Testimony. Share it. You never know.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

(please play music along with the youtube video)

A Thousand Things

You’re gonna cry yourself to sleep

You’re gonna soak the pillow

for many weeks

You’re gonna cry


Why me?

But in spite of the ache

that doesn’t go away

You’ll be sharing your story

one rainy day

And at the next table somebody catches your words

He hear’s a truth that he’s never heard

He takes it back to the marriage he’d given up on

Hands it down to his daughter

who writes it into song

You didn’t know

A thousand things are happening in this one thing

Like a thousand fields nourished by a single drop of rain

So honey, wrap yourself in promise

while you wait the morning light

A thousand things are happening tonight

You’re gonna cry yourself to sleep

‘cause for the moment all that you can see

Is what you’ve lost , lost

Why me?

But in the midst of the most exquisite pain

you’re drawn into a peace that You cannot explain

and the praises you sing of a sovereign God

reach the girl whose last hope is gone

she never thought there was purpose in anything here

now the seed has been planted and it’s taking root there

You didn’t know


 A thousand things are happening tonight

You’re gonna cry yourself to sleep

A thousand miracles you’ll have to wait and see

Beautiful music performed by: Christa Wells 

(a Relevant 11 performer who had me in awe)




  1. Thank you for being real and sharing your own story. It blessed me to watch your video. Praise God for the ministry He’s given you.

    ~Stacy at http://www.findingpurposeinthepain.blogspot.com/

  2. i love this janelle! Kory and I were a part of our church’s cardboard testimonies a few years ago. I love people’s stories and seeing God honored! Thank you for sharing!

  3. <3 this! (And you have GREAT hair:)

  4. I dont’ usually watch videos but wanted to hear the song (which is beautiful). Your written testimony speaks volumes though. I actually linked back to your post in my “What I’m loving Wednesday” post which will go up tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow. I could borrow about half of those papers. Thank you for being so real!!!

  6. What an amazing video….after watching it I feel lead to do one. This is a great way to reach out and share my testimony. Thank you soo much for showing this, and what an amazing blessing you are to. You and Courtney have been such an encouragement to me these last several years. Thank you for your ministry!!!

  7. Thank you for sharing! Praise the Lord, that you’re His daughter and you do everything for the glory of God! Loved the song too! Sharing our testimonies is always a once in a lifetime opportunity.

  8. Thank you for sharing your testimony is such a powerful way, Janelle.

    I love how the noises in the background (of your kids and life continuing around you) were part of this. It was an incredibly beautiful metaphor for how faith can be a living, breathing part of our lives. When God and our faith sit powerful at the centre, even as life in all it’s messy glory continues around us, it shares such a strong message.

    This is a beautiful post and I know it will speak to so many people who desperately need Jesus in their lives, as well as reminding those of us who already know Him how close He is to us in absolutely every moment of every day.

    • Thank you so much April ….I do pray that God is using me. I want to be a tool for Him in the worst way. There are times when I feel -I’m just a stay at home mom, what can I do? But, I pray and realize that he uses ALL walks..

  9. I am loving this song! thank you for sharing.

  10. Thankyou for sharing…brought tears to my eyes! I have felt most of those feelings and gone through similar things! But your right finding my church and my church family is a wonderful FITTING in thing!

  11. Praise God how He works in hearts through His Word – to let us know about His Son and how He loves us and came to earth to DIE – to rescue us.
    Keep sharing it.

  12. POWERFUL! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Janelle,
    Thanks for the awesome post. So many times I struggle with how to share my testimony. There are so many times God has carried me through life and it’s hard to know how to “condense” it. You did an awesome job. You are so inspirational! My gift is also Hospitality and I continue to take things day by day and try to serve where God leads me. You have really taken your gifts and used them for the glory of our Father. AMEN SISTER!!!

  14. I agree with Lorie about the challenge of trying to condense our testimonies….it’s hard to know what to share and what to leave out so as not to lose your listener or reader, but you did a great job of simplifying and yet sharing a very honest message. Very cool! I also agree with Sue about your great hair…I admire it every time I see your picture on your blog page, and it was just as beautiful in person when me met at Relevant!

  15. Our church did the cardboard stories a few years ago. They just did two sides though. I liked your sounds in the background! It made it so genuine. I know you didn’t plan it that way obviously but it just added such a genuineness to it. Your kids get after eachother too at times that aren’t convenient. It makes it easier for the rest of us. If all we read and see is perfection, we feel bogged down and unable to even try. I LOVE your site because you have such a gift for helping and motivating us moms whereas other faith/mom blogs tend to make some of us feel like “I’ll never be like her, why even try….” I know this is the wrong attitude to take but I so appreciate your ministry. You are so real. My husband owns his own construction business and work is so infrequent lately. I can relate to your struggle with your husband. I just know we’d get along great “in real life”. Thanks for all that you do.

    • Julie- this may be one of my favorite comments 🙂 Thank you so much. Oh yessss…my children are a montley crew, lol. But a HUGE blessing. I am looking forward to seeing what God has planned for them with their strong wills- something big I bet! lol. Ahh yes, construction. My Great grandparents started an excavating business way back when and it is still in business- I hear my uncles talk about the ups and downs. Praying for you! Love, Janelle

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