My Choice in Music (and how it changed!)

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~Romans 12:2


One of the first changes I noticed in myself after becoming a saved Christian was my choice in music. I had never really put a lot of thought into the words that I allowed to flow through my ears, into my head, and repeat back through my mouth. Then- all of a sudden– it dawned on me that “my” music didn’t represent “my” life- it represented the world I lived in. Being a child of the 80’s, you can imagine some of the songs I listened to ! lol. Think- Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, etc…and think about the messages (not the beat) they gave. Amazing how just the sound and the beat of a song alone can lead us into saying words we never would say otherwise…

Take for example one of the most popular 80s songs of all time “Pour Some Sugar on Me” You may be  laughing because you too loved this song or because I am completely showing my age. In all seriousness, I want you to stop and think about the words (you may google- but trust me, you will be shocked-you probably only knew the chorus). Think about the age you were when you sang this song. Do you want your children singing a song like this now? Ok, now think about the words and your life now…Yikes. Doesn’t fit does it? Satan is pretty tricky isn’t he? This can be applied to SO many secular songs….it is so convicting.

Ladies,(especially to new Christians-I have been there!!!) please let me be an encouragement to you to listen to music that glorifies the Lord. Search for songs that represents who you are in Him, songs that give hope, light to your life, and honor to our King. Because I was so blind (deaf) to the music I listened to for so many years, I have made it a point to play Christian music on this blog . I also  believe whole heartedly that input can and does equal output. If we put uplifting and joyful noise into our lives we are that much more likely to make it!

God bless you girls!

Some of my favorite artists:

Chris Tomlin

Christa Wells

Sanctus Real

Laura Story

Casting Crowns

Toby Mac

Mercy Me

Third Day

What are some of the songs you used to listen to? Are there any songs that JUST dawned on you that you may feel convicted about? What are your favorite artists?




  1. Yeah, Third Day, just saw them in concert tonight! Great show, :).

  2. I can really relate to this post! I’ve caught myself walking through Wal-Mart with my children, absent-mindedly singing along to the song that is playing on the speaker. “Mom; you KNOW that song?!” My children have been horrified. I realized once a I paid attention to the words of one particular song that my husband and I were singing songs about being unfaithful LONG before we ever were. Needless to say, we are cautious about the music we allow in our home! When I write a post on this very subject, I will link to this post. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love Bach. And I love seeing the letters SDG on compositions. Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone be the glory!

  4. Rebekah in KY says:

    All I listen to is KLOVE (although I didn’t grow up listening to Christian music) and I can’t get enough of God’s Not Dead by Newsboys! I pull it up on youtube and listen to it over and over!

  5. Janelle-
    What I find amazing is that we can STILL remember those songs word for word!!! Even after so many years! (I say that cuz I’m older than you). If we would’ve had Scripture memorized instead of those silly songs just think of all we’d have stored in our hearts! Now I love those same artists and two of my kids listen to and love that music also. Praise God!

  6. Virginia B. says:

    I can also relate to this post! I used to listen to all top 40, Britney, Rhianna, you get it lol Over the last year as I have rededicated my life to God I have completely stopped listening to anything that’s not glorifying to Him. I thought it would have been hard but it hasn’t! Praise God! My husband was another story lol he grew up on rap music, not good at all. He was saved about 2 years ago and kept saying it didn’t matter what music he listened to. So I kept praying and got him a Lecrae cd. It sat on our desk for 2 months then he finally listened to it and he hasn’t listened to secular music since! He’s actually moved out of that genre to others like Chris Tomlin (our fav), Jeremy Camp, Santus Real, etc! I sing on our church’s worship team so he’s kind of bombarded with it all week…haha 🙂 Praise God for leading us both in His direction, it really does make a difference what goes in your ears, let it ALL be peasing to God! Thanks for this post <3

  7. Tenth Ave North is a favorite at our house. My girls love listening to Jamie Grace. Kari Jobe is extremely gifted in worship.

  8. I came to the same conclusion when I was struggling, trying to be a “Christian”. I was going to church every time the doors opened, teaching GA’s, and still didn’t “feel” like a Christian. I didn’t pray – only russian roulette prayers – didn’t read the Bible, pretty much watched anything on TV or at a movie, and listened to regular radio.

    But I really began to question: what does a “Christian” look like? How do they live? What does their life look like? Do the play Christian board games? Do they go to clubs? Do they only have “church” on Sunday and Wednesdays? I really didn’t know, what a Christian’s life was really supposed to be like. So, at some point I made a more concerted effort to make Christianity, or God, or his goodness and righteousness a part of my every day life. One easy way was no more secular music. And my logic was: I like to sing, and songs or jingles stick in my head, so why wouldn’t I want Christian music glorifying God to stick in my head? It’s not a judgement against the world, but a saving grace for MY world. 🙂

    Not too much longer after some of those wonderings and efforts, I came to a culmination in my questions: Are you REALLY real God? it doesn’t seem like it, I’m trying, but it’s like I’m a 2yo with a Tootsie Pop: the EASIEST sucker to open IN THE WORLD! But I can’t get to you. Please help me. I know it’s me, not you. But I need you to TAKE THE WRAPPER OFF!! I prayed this silently at our little altar for a couple weeks, but when nothing happened I sort of forgot and life went on.

    I started a new job where a lot of the people went to the same church(??weird!!). But I began to notice how they hardly complained, loved one another, AND their spouses with respect and attention. They knew things about the Bible – My Bible (NIV)? Yes, I made sure.I didn’t know if they were a cult or what! 😛 So I visited a “home group” they met with each week. Pretty soon I was singing and praising God and praying all the way on my 45min trip from their house to mine. One evening as I was having a pep rally for the Lord, He SPOKE!! HE SPOKE TO ME! :: “Remember when you asked me to take the wrapper off?”

    OOOWWW!! I thought Big Foot ran in front of my car. My first reaction was: GOD IS REAL! No one knew I prayed that prayer, in fact I-I-I had forgotten it all together, but not the Lord. He had been working and worked some more to bring me full into his glory. Was I saved that night? Was I saved earlier but began my discipleship – God knows. I just know NOW, I KNOW God and he KNOWS me.

    All starting from: How can I be a real Chrisitan? What does a real Christian’s life look like. No secular music. 🙂

    • Cheryl- Getting involved with a Christian community helped me SOOO much too!!! Isn’t it awesome when God leads you to the right people and works through them to you? It is so humbling – LOVE it. I have such a similar testimony.

  9. So so true!
    Right now I’m loving Mandisa (Stronger), Tracy Lawrence (The Rock) and any Mark Schultz.
    Music is so influential in our lives. It can cause so many emotions and memories. I believe we have to filter out “the world” and filter in “Jesus” when we listen to any music.
    Thanks for the reminder!

  10. I agree. It is important what we listen to, and especially what we let our kids hear. I love groups like the Gaithers, Gordon Mote, and the Booth Brothers.

  11. Music was a big area that changed for me too when God saved me! I remember catching myself singing “Even when I’m with my boo, all I can think about is you…”(Nelly- Dilemma). and thinking WHAT!?!! That’s awful!

    My FAVORITE group right now is Sovereign Grace Music (check them out!!!/album/Valley+Of+Vision/725744 and!/album/Come+Weary+Saints/1407499 are my favorite albums :-))… so so so so good! Lyrics are rich and music is wonderful!

    I also enjoy Keith & Krystin Getty, Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, and Laura Story 🙂

  12. Smack! That hit right between my eyes (and ears!) You are so right. What we hear, see, view and “think on” really affects our lives. My 11 year old daughter has an ipod and listens to a lot of Christian music on it but some stuff from Radio Disney too. We will be changing that today when she gets home and after she reads your post. She will want to do it voluntarily (thank the Lord). Her mama on the hand will have to make very conscious choices to do this… no more ’70s, ’80s, ’90s and now music for me. It really does affect me and brings back memories I’d rather forget. And even though I do listen to Christian music I was also listening to secular. Well, I must take my one foot out of the world and chose to be in it but not of it! Thank you for your gentle conviction, God really used you on this one!

  13. Hi Janelle, I just wanted to do a little plug for an old pal I used to work with. She followed her dreams and is singing full time now. Her name is Beth Champion Mason. Gorgeous voice and writes her own songs. Check her out. You won’t be disappointed!

  14. I love Kari Jobe, Point of Grace, and so many other Christian artists….all uplifting……


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