"Sleep over Sisters" Meal Ministry Monday Welcomes Jen!

Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

It is such a joy for me to post Meal Ministry Mondays …God has provided a testimony to share every week on this blog. As you know, I have no control over who e-mails me with a story and photos, it is all in the Lord’s hands. So, as long as God is working through you there will be this post on this topic each Monday! Thank you all so very much.

How amazing it is to learn the many different and unique ways there are to serve our Lord and serve others through this meal ministry. You have all taught me so much…I am very grateful. 

“Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” 
Proverbs 27:17

Please help me welcome our dear sister-in-Christ Jen.  Jen hosts a girl sleep over once a month called “Sleep Over Sisters”. During these fun sleep overs the girls get to do “hands on” activities for their community that help spread the Word and share God’s love with others! 

It makes my heart sing that these girls can enjoy in sweet fellowship at this young age. I pray that their passion for serving will grow as they do. I also pray their peers will take notice at how joyous it can be to serve…what an awesome age to learn this. 

 I don’t want to give her story away, so I will stop here….May Jen and these young girls keep their fire for the Lord burning bright!!!! 

What a blessing you are Jen! Keep serving the Lord and others!!

Here is Jen’s letter to me…

“We Were Not Saved To Sit”

Dear Janelle,

3 years ago I heard about a local sleep over ministry that intrigued me. Anyone who knows me knows how I am a fanatic about throwing birthday parties, so why not take this passion and give it a purpose. The more I prayed about it the more God revealed a straight path of His will, in encouraging these young ladies to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. As moms of then 2nd and 3rd graders we were already fretting about middle school. At the same time our church had a burst of growth that left our children feeling like a number. Thankfully our church has since remedied the problem, but at first it was a call to action for us moms. God revealed a group of girls who already knew each other from church but attended everything from public school to homeschool. We wanted these girls to grow in Christ and accountability to each other. Every time I turned God revealed ideas, games, crafts, even ten perfect t-shirts to kick off our little group. We began with a devotional book the girls could do at home with their moms, but as we came together once a month for a sleep over, God gave me words, lessons and verses to guide these young minds. I am not a writer, always despised it in school, but writing this curriculum just flowed like it was coming from God himself.

We are now completing our third year, meeting once a month, and sending off our oldest girls to middle school. This past year we stepped it up preparing them for serving at church and in the community. Each month, as we dove into and dissected scripture (yes we moved on from devotionals to large passages of scripture), we served someone in the community. We made bread for homeless, packed food boxes, made blankets for children’s hospital, raked rocks preparing a large garden for fall, made spa products for an outreach program and most recently made dinner for our local police department. I had no idea how 12, 10-11 year olds would handle themselves in my kitchen making dinner. They were fantastic. We had stations to make sauce, cheese, stuff shells, make bread and gooey butter cake. It went so smooth, that we fit in our Bible lesson about carrying the name of Jesus to the world before delivering the dinner.

Earlier that day I called all the surrounding police departments asking if there was anyone we could specifically pray for by name, and to let them know we would be praying for their departments. I had no idea how this idea would be received. Surprisingly each department was so open and grateful for my phone call. We went to the station and as the dispatcher waved us into the lobby a 911 call came in about an accident. We had the opportunity to drop everything and pray for those in the accident and the officers and paramedics that were pulling out of the parking lot with lights and sirens. An officer came and showed us into the break room where we left the dinner and another call came in. As he left we prayed, for the department for all those by name other departments gave me and the girls, so they would grow to always respect the officers in authority. It was an amazing experience made possible only by God’s hand and perfect timing. I attached some pics. I hope you enjoy them.

~Jen with “Sleep over Sisters”

Thank you so very much, Jen, for sharing your meal ministry with us! You and your “girls” are a bright light!! What a blessing you are to your community. Girls, keep up the great work and let all your friends know how fun it can be to share God’s love!!!! 
What a wonderful story.
Love to you, Janelle 

Please e-mail me at JMNehrenz@me.com to be a guest blogger on Meal Ministry Mondays. I would love to show off your love for the Lord and His people! 

I am participating at Living Well Wednesdays!
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  1. "We were not saved it sit" – AMEN!! You go Jen!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the GREAT work for Jesus. I love thinking about the impact this ministry is having on these girls and what they will do for Jesus in their lives.

  2. Great post! I love reading about the different ways the body of Christ reaches out to touch the lives of others! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! And the great example!

  4. Priscilla says:

    I always wait for Meal Ministry Monday because I LOVE to see the Lord´s hands in action!! Thank you for today´s post. What an inspiration!!!!

  5. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Thank you for your encouragement ladies!!!! God is great! Love to you, Janelle

  6. Ann at eightacresofeden says:

    I am so enjoying reading your meal ministry Monday posts Janelle – each ministry you feature is unique and beautiful and Jen's is no exception. I have seen on our television media, features on 'princess pamper sleepover parties' for young girls which parents were putting on for their daughters. They were all about self indulgence and were not much more than lessons in how to prepare for a night on the town. Even the secular reporters were expressing concern about the extent of the 'pampering'. Even some of 'You are a princess' stuff I see for Christian girls bothers me as I think it can also be too much about serving the self which is not what Christ the Servant King taught us to do. So sad to see the message being sent that 'it's all about you'. Jen's ministry turns the sleepover in the complete opposite direction – what a wonderful and creative idea. It's a two-fold ministry – the girls are being ministered to and they in turn are reaching out their hands to others… and having fun at the same time. I'm sure they will look back on these times when they are older and have wonderful memories of what it was like to be a 'serving sleepover sister.'

  7. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Thank you Ann! These girls are so blessed to feel God's love work through them at such a young age aren't they!?

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