Please help me welcome our fellow Sister-in-Christ, Lisa! What an amazing life-song she sings…
HOSPITALITY IS…a meal to go

Showing hospitality by taking meals to people when they are sick, have had surgery or just need a little extra tlc when life gets overwhelming can be such a JOY! Sometimes it is easy to become so focused on our own families that it becomes difficult to think of others around us who are in need of our encouragement and help.
There have been PLENTY of times in my life when I have been taken under the wings of others and have been shown mercy. It is still a blessing thinking back to so many times others have cared for me and for my family. I can’t help but to think of how it feels to be taken care of. It is one of the best feelings in the world!
When I think of hospitality, I think of the root word “hospital”. So, I looked it up…just for fun. I know we are all familiar with what a hospital is, but my old 1963 edition of Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines it as follows: “a charitable institution for the needy, aged, infirm, or young, an institution where the sick or injured are given medical or surgical care.”
While we are most likely not giving medical or surgical care, taking a meal to someone is comforting beyond words and it is always appreciated and welcome. For those of you who may struggle having people in your homes, this is the perfect alternative for you!
If your palms are starting to sweat, hold on. Showing hospitality to others does not mean fancy schmancy. It does not have to be homemade and it certainly does not have to be a complete meal…unless you signed up for it. If you did commit and are feeling like it is more than you bargained for, ask a friend to help. Maybe you can split the meal.
What is the first thing you do after you commit to taking a dinner to someone? Do you start to stress and wish you would have never offered? Do you ask a friend to trade dates in hope that the recipient will no longer be in need when it rolls around to your turn? Anyway you look at it, it can be a daunting task, to not only need to fix your family dinner but somebody elses family as well!
I think my favorite binder is the “MEALS TO GO” binder. It has made taking meals to people so easy…and might I add…FUN! I am not even kidding! Taking the guess work out of what to prepare and take allows me to make quick decisions and spend a little extra time embellishing it. It is a great way to pamper people and I no longer feel like I am just doing crafts “to do” crafts, but it allows me to be a little creative while being able to share with those who are in need!
Here is what works for me, but I would love to hear what works for you. Others ideas are always welcome and appreciated!!! I think we all enjoy hearing how other people do things!
Label your binder
The first page has the list of meals I choose from…if your recepient loves something in particular that you are aware of it makes it even easier to decide!
Keep this list simple and doable. If it is a chicken from Costco, a loaf of bread, bag-o-salad and lemonade, write it down. If it is a box of cereal, milk and bread write it down. This has to be what works for YOU! If it is having a pizza delivered write the phone number down so that you can call and have it DELIVERED! Are we all on the same page? Onward we go!
Each Meal has a complete list of what I will be taking to make it a “meal”.
I would encourage you to come up with one menu for each season…start with one meal that will be a JOY to make!
The next page has the recipes, so I am not spending all my time flippin’ through different binders trying to track down what I need to make dinner.
Have you ever thought about taking breakfast the evening before? This is AWESOME. You can deliver it in the evening after your evening has “settled” down and it might be a very welcome change for one VERY happy recipient. You may want to try it!
While we have been talking about “meals to go”, I wanted to make sure that I mentioned this: there are certainly seasons in our lives where helping others is easier than others. Showing hospitality is nurturing. It is showing you care. Simple as that.
A few of my favorite things I have received as a “bedridden Momma” are: {1}a little bag with a card, a peppermint plant and a box of tea, {2}a bottle of sparkling water and a fresh lemon, {3}a bag of epsom salts etc. Even a sleeve of Saltine crackers and 7 UP is something you could keep on hand to deliver when the need arises!
So, as we have all been given the gift of TODAY, I hope that you, too, will find JOY in showing hospitality in a very real way wheather it be a meal, a note or a cup of lemonade!
Happy May!
Lisa, thank you so very much for the amazing tips. Your packaging is so beautiful! It is such a blessing to know other women share the gifts of hospitality and mercy. Love to you, Janelle
Please click here to visit Lisa’s Blog at The Pearson Family Blogspot! |
What an encouraging post and great tips! Thanks Lisa:-)
What an awesome thing to do! Those are great tips!
Janelle, I LOVE your blog!! It is wonderful to bring the comfort of good food as a ministry for others. Please check out my page, YOU have an award:):)
Wonderful tip about the binder – How nice and stress-free to have it all planned out. Just pick a meal and go! Love it!
I ♥ Ministry Mondays! Great post and tips, thank you both!!
Janelle, I do love ministry mondays, the stories are always so touching… But today the music is speeking to me so much more than anything else… My grandma passed away on Thursday night, I am missing the funeral today as I am to pregnant to handle the 12hr drive… Your song is so touching because as I think of my grandma I remember always seeing Jesus in her.. She never had to give sermons she just loved the way I know Jesus would!! Thank you for always having a place I can open up and feel I am among friends. In Him Tessa Dixon
Can't get through to the Pearson Family blog and would love to read it. Can you help?
Gramma- I didn't realize the button wasn't linked. I made sure to put the link up under it..thank you! Tess, isn't it such a beautiful song? I am so sorry about your Grandma, what a blessing to know she is in the loving arms of our Savior..I pray for comfort for you and your family. Thanks to all those who have given so much encouragement. Love to you, Janelle
Janelle…Thank you so much for featuring me! What a priviledge to serve others with the gifts and talents God has given us! You have so encouraged me and inspired me! Have a great day! I am going to do a little write up on your bloggy later on today…after the laundry is DONE! That is my reward for clean undies, sheets and towels! Love to YOU!
Lisa, you are so welcome….let your light keep shining BRIGHT!!!!!!
I love ideas for blessing others – thank you so much Lisa. These are just gems of ideas. One of the occasions in life when a meal is really appreciated is on moving day. What a blessing it is to receive a home cooked meal when your pots and pans are packed away and your kitchen is filled up with boxes. One idea when planning a meal for others when you are pressed for time is to put together a themed meal kit. You don't have to cook every part of the meal e.g An Italian meal kit could include a bottle of homemade pasta sauce, a packet of fancy pasta (maybe a nice spinach fettucine), bunches or pots of herbs such as basil and a wedge of parmesan cheese. Bread sticks look great. If you are making this as a gift you could include some nice coffee and fancy biscotti. Package it all up in a box or basket or if finances are tight, a brown paper bag with an Italian themed tag and ribbons – think red, white and green. Now imagine a kit for an Asian inspired meal – I'm thinking stir fries, coriander and cashews, pretty chopsticks and green tea, an origami kit for the children to entertain them after dinner. You have inspired me to go and write down lists of what I could include in different meal kits and start a hospitality binder. Now I have nothing against casseroles but it is those little creative touches like the peppermint tea and handwritten note that can really minister to people and make them feel special!
Mmmm! I love cashews Ann! an origami kit…what a neat idea! You could even print out something online and roll paper up with it, wrap it with chop sticks sticking out! So cute! Love themes…you ladies are so creative! See what a blessing you are to ME?
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I am giving you a blog award today! The post will be up in about an hour. Have a wonderful day! 🙂
Thank you Amanda!