Happy Friday Ladies!
Thanks for linking up last week…those recipes looked DEEEElish! I wonder what you have cooking this week? Hmmmm……I can’t wait to find out! Keep serving your families, friends, and community! Your gift of hospitality is more precious than you could ever know…
Homemade Waffle Cones
Made By: This.That.And the other…
Homemade Hummus
Loaded Twice -Baked Potato Casserole
Made By: One Small-Town Girl

It’s a “Feasting in Fellowship LINK-UP”!!!
Please link your recipes below and add my button (on the sidebar) to the bottom of your post on your blog! Thank you for sharing!
I’m glad to be back but terribly sorry about my triple post on the Feasting Link Up! My computer was causing me some problems and it posted three times. Sorry about that. I can’t seem to correct it. I would if I could!
I look forward to seeing all the wonderful recipes this week. As always thanks for hosting!
No problem Becky! lol! It looks YUMMY!!!! Have a great weekend my friend!
Wow, what a fun surprise to see my post featured tonight! Thanks so much! Have a great weekend.
Thank YOU!
Did the link up disappear?
It did! I went on the linky site and got the code -it should be up again. I am realizing so many things I used in Blogger have glitches in WordPress ;( Thanks for letting me know!