Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind. This it the first and greatest of my commandments. The second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself
~Matthew 22:37-40
A couple of weeks ago I received a letter from an online friend, Ingrid from “Reaching His Kids” , she shared with me and some fellow bloggers about how devistating the famine in Africa has been on it’s people. It has been recorded that 29,000 children, under the age of 5, have died in the last 90 days. This famine has impacted Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. Food costs have risen 50% and crops have been damaged because of less rain.
When I got this e-mail I thought about how fortunate I am…I have never felt “hunger” in my life. Starvation… It is just so unnecessary.
Ingrid didn’t stop at her letter, she decided to go forward and see what was happening to help this crisis. She found a non-profit organization called “Feed My Starving Children”…I will let her take it from here….
2 Tbsp of protein powder, vitamin enriched with chicken flavor
1 Tbsp of dried carrots and potatoes
1 cup of soy
1 cup of rice
You mix ingredients in the order listed above, package with love, seal with zeal and send with prayer.
Once the package is received ingredients are boiled in water and a child is fed.
It really is that simple!
FACT: 18,000 children will die today because of malnutrition. There is NOT a food shortage in this world, there is a food distribution problem.
Feed My Starving Children is a Christian 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Minnesota. This meal ministry started in 1987 when a local businessman traveled to Honduras. After witnessing incredible needs, he returned and began working with local food companies. After a couple years of sending food donations, he received feedback that the highly processed food was not meeting nutritional needs. He switched gears and worked with food scientists to develop a meal that would meet nutritional needs of children ages 5-8, be acceptable worldwide, have a long shelf life and be easy to prepare. The “recipe” above was created and is still used today. Over the years FMSC has had food scientists and nutritionists reevaluate this meal and they are told it is just what starving children worldwide need.
This ministry is AMAZING! Volunteers, as young as 5 years old, pack the food. It is a hands on way to fight poverty, educate people and provide “local mission” opportunities. This ministry is growing. In 2003 they packaged 3 million meals and in 2011 the goal is 127.5 million! FMSC provides meals free to over 120 mission partners in over 70 countries. The goal is that mission partners are working to make long-term changes in their communities. FMSC is providing the food which is the fuel to help these ministries do the sustainable work. It is piece of fighting global poverty. It truly is a meal ministry!
Last year FMSC had over 500,000 volunteers package their food in 6 permanent locations (3 in MN, 2 in Chicago and 1 in Temple, AZ) and mobile packs. Through their mobile packs churches and organizations all over the country can pack meals on site. You raise the money and FMSC will bring a semi of supplies and staff to oversee and instruct your group.
No doubt you have seen the recent news about the famine that is plaguing eastern Africa. FMSC has committed to packaging 5 million meals to help with the crisis. They are raising additional funds to meet this need. As a believer, living in America, I know that God has blessed me with knowledge, resources and abilities (like blogging!). In Luke 12:48 it says,
“…from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
In this passage Jesus is telling his disciples a parable about the master, who is returning, and his servants are to be ready. The master wants to find them faithful and wise managers of what he has given them. It is interesting that this section, Luke 12:35-48, immediately follows several verses that begin with, “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life…” (Luke 12:22) and goes on to speak of the lilies of the field and how if God cares for them how much more will he care for you? So don’t worry! You have enough, more than enough, so what are you to do with what you have? Perhaps, feed a starving child?
This famine is real, children are at risk and they are dying. Even without a famine 18,000 children die everyday because of malnutrition. And we eat and eat and eat.
I recently visited FMSC, interviewed staff and photographed a packing session. It was neat to see people who have been given SO much, giving back. Check out the pictures below to learn how these meals are put together with love!
Volunteers package the meals in 2 hour packaging sessions. Many churches, individuals, businesses and both Christian & public school groups participate. The day I visited a group of summer interns from US Bank were volunteering.
FMSC orders the 4 ingredient in bulk. It costs $.24 per meal. 93% of all donations go toward the meals. 7% cover fundraising, administration and overhead costs.
In 20 years 99.97% of shipments have reached their intended destinations. FMSC believes that it is because every pallet is prayed over!
We collected donations for this organization during our VBS. Amazing group!!!1
Wow, this is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing about this ministry.
Janelle, THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this! I pray that God moves in the hearts of your readers to give and make a difference in the lives of so many in eastern Africa.
I did a post about this as well. It’s sad that so many children are left to suffer due to malnutrition. Our Church is working on getting something like this together.