Give Thanks in ALL Circumstances.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Oh this video. I cry every time I watch it . It literally stops me in my tracks and humbles me to my knees. Just Watch and you’ll see what I mean…

*This was shown during our church service last Sunday. Oh, how I love that church.

So, the other day:

I walked into my son’s room and stepped on a Lego. OWCH! Those things hurt! After my first reaction of “displeased” passed, I sat in my “Thanksgiving chair” for just a moment…”Lord, you have blessed me and my family with so much that I am literally tripping over things..I’m so grateful.”

The alarm rang at 6 am in the morning. Ugh. Mornings!!! I’m so comfortable right now, I don’t want to get out of bed!!! It seriously cannot be time to get up right now-it’s dark! The kids will fight me, the furry begins… I then looked over at my sleeping husband, got out of bed, and sat in my “Thanksgiving Chair”. “Lord, my husband works hard to support our family, I get to stay at home, my children get to go to a Christian school, my body is healthy…I am SO grateful.

I was thinking about how the Holidays have changed in my family…loved ones have moved, divorce has effected us, deaths…things aren’t the same anymore. Then, I sat in my “Thanksgiving Chair”…”God you have given me some great memories to look back on, and some amazing people to share my life with now. But most importantly, you gave me your Son Jesus Christ. I’m eternally grateful. I don’t even know how blessed I am.

How many times can you sit in the Thanksgiving Chair today? Try it…I dare ya 😉

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!



  1. Janelle, thank you SO MUCH for this amazingly beautiful post. That video moved me to tears, too. Just this morning, I was griping about my kids being too loud…I didn’t want them to wake up their dad, who on a rare occasion, is getting to sleep in today. And then I watched that video and read your post. So, after asking for forgiveness for not having TRUE Thanksgiving in my heart, I thanked God for the health that comes along with all the noise in my house! And I thanked Him for grand-parental involvement in my kids’ lives, as I leave to go pick up my oldest son.

    Thank you, my sweet sister in Christ, for sharing your heart. May you and your family be blessed this Thanksgiving.

  2. Thanks so much, I needed that.

  3. Thank you for sharing that profound video. I am going to share it with my 11 and 14 year-old as well. God Bless.

  4. From our home to yours, we wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving. We are indeed blessed to have some a God that loved us before we loved Him.

  5. awesome idea! And yeah, those legos killlllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!! <3 Traci Michele @ Ordinary Inspirations

  6. Thanks for this post! I just shared the video on my fb page. Our lives aren’t from or for nothing and that is something to be thankful for – Powerful is our God. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Charlotte Moore says:

    I too was moved to tears. LORD help us to be THANKFUL for all things.

    THANK YOU!!!

  8. Thank you so much.

  9. Thank you so much! <3

  10. This blessed my heart, thank you so much for all you do! I am grateful for you today!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving sis!

    By His Grace,

  11. Melissa Yoak says:

    This post is precious. another reason to love ya Nell…:)

  12. Muchas gracias por este post, una gran bendición.

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