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How to Make a Valentine’s Box Vending Machine.
February 11, 2019 6 Comments
Creativity is intelligence...having fun. - Albert Einstein "Mama, we need to make my Valentine's Day box for school this weekend. I know what I want to make...a vending machine!" My little one showed me a variety of pictures she photo snapped on her tablet. Her very intelligent brain is always mustering up something creative and artistic. She amazes me. If you're a mom who is in a panic wondering what to create with your kiddo this Valentine's day. Fear not. This project is super fun and pretty adorable, if you ask me. As I was putting away the ice-cream maker, I realized the box was actually the perfect size for her project and set it aside. A perfect size ...and we had it on hand. After I finished eating my left-over chicken quesadilla from a Mexican restaurant we had dinner at on Thursday night, it dawned on me that the container could be cleaned out, cut in half, and taped. This could give a little window for her vending machine. We just used the top half of this. We traced it onto the box and cut the shape with a serrated knife, then taped it from the inside of the box. Then, we went on a hunt for what we wanted to "sell" in her vending machine. There … [Read More...]

How to Make a Valentine’s Box Vending Machine.
Creativity is intelligence...having fun. - Albert Einstein "Mama, we need to make my Valentine's Day box for school this weekend. I know what I want to make...a vending machine!" My little one showed me a variety of pictures she photo snapped on … [Read More...]

As White as Snow.
I'm sitting here, Indian style, at my dinning room table ... Looking out the window, I see the most beautiful picture of God's grace. Two feet of snow landed in our neck of the woods over the weekend. Churches were closed on Sunday and schools … [Read More...]

Vinny’s Sicilian Meatballs
Today, I have two special men guest posting. My brother-in-law Joe and my father-in-law Vince who both happen to be "comfy in the kitchen". One of their family favorite recipes is "Vinny's Sicilian Meatballs". Vince passed his version of the recipe … [Read More...]

3 Perspectives On Change.
There are only a few certainties in life, but one thing is for sure…change is gonna come. Depending on our history, the types of changes we encounter, and our perspective, we can determine what we make of change. Here are three perspectives on … [Read More...]

Hot Coats.
She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.-Proverbs 31:25 “Ok Kiddos! Hot coats! Get your hot coats here!” I’d yell as if I were selling hot cross buns…I marketed them with joyful enthusiasm. They’d run to the … [Read More...]

{Easy} Baked Broccoli Balls
The first time I tasted these delicious morsels of goodness was last year at a family Christmas Eve Party. The second my Sister-in-Law's mom set these on the counter, I could tell by everyone's reactions that this was on of "those recipes" that show … [Read More...]

When Christmas Just Isn’t the Same…
For many of us the Christmas season means tradition. There is a reliable and familiar beauty when we do the same thing every year…a sort of idealized nostalgia happens. It could be taking a day to bake Christmas cookies with the ladies and little … [Read More...]

5 Ways We Can Raise Resilient Children
“I just don’t want her to grow up co-dependent like I was. I always had a boyfriend as a teen and it was exhausting. I really hope to help foster a healthy independence and confidence in her.” “I feel like I’m an enabler with my children…I want to … [Read More...]