Being Fruitful

“They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded
 a fruitful harvest”

~Psalm 107:37

I would like to share with you a time line- I pray it puts a smile on your face, blesses you, and motivates you as much as it does me. This was shared in my bible study today… 

  • In 1858 Mr. Kimball, A humble Sunday school teacher, leads a Boston shoe clerk, Dwight L. Moody (name sound familiar?) to Christ.
  • Moody became a great evangelist and led a man named Frederick B. Meyer to Christ.
  • Frederick B. Meyer was preaching at a USA college campus and led J. Wilbur Chapman to Christ.
  • Chapman who worked for the YMCA, sent a former baseball player, Billy Sunday, to do evangelistic work.
  • Billy Sunday held a revival in Charlotte, NC -everyone loved it so much they had more revivals…a preacher named Mordecai Hamm was invited to preach.
  • During Mordecai Hamm’s revival a young man named Billy Graham (do you have chills yet?) heard the Gospel and gave his life to the Lord. 
  • It is said that Billy Graham has preached in person to more people around the world than any other preacher in history. According to his staff (and these are 1993 stats) more than 2.5 million people stepped forward to become saved during his crusades. His audience through every media as of 2008 has been 2.2 billion people.    
Can I get an AMEN for the Boston shoe clerk who planted one enormous seed?!!!!! 
(Information from Wikipedia)

Last week, I shared with you a little about my meal ministry. My sweet friend Courtney from Women Living Well  also posted about it . I am tearful as I am writing this…but the responses I got through e-mail amazed me. I honestly cannot believe God used me..a stay at home mom, to plant seeds, who are planting seeds..and so on. This is proof enough for me that God’s work will be done…He just looks for open hearts to work through. Amen.Amen.Amen.

These are just a few e-mails- I have more to share. 


I just wanted to send a quick email to let you know what an inspiration your website has become for me.  I had lost the excitement for cooking and you have helped restore it.  I have made a few of your meals the last three nights and my family has been so excited to see what I’m making next.  I grew up in an Italian family as well but one that didn’t like to share recipes.  🙂  My mom could never tell me the recipe because as she says, “I just make it, its hard to write down the recipe.”  I do have quite a few meals that I make but it was getting redundant.  Since reading your blog I have also been inspired to talk to our pastor about starting a meal ministry.  It is something that we need so badly at our church.  We are currently relying on that person’s community group to handle meals and if that person isn’t in a community group then I’m afraid that they may go without the much needed care that goes into receiving a meal.  Any tips that you have or any advice that you have to help get me started in this ministry would be much appreciated.  Thanks again for all you do and for how encouraging your Blog is.  This is definitely the gift that god has bestowed on you and you use it well.


I just have to say GOD IS SO GOOD!!! Thank you for letting him use you to encourage me. I had the best day today that I can remember in the longest time!!

2 Baked goods, and 2 complete meals cooked and delivered to 4 different people, and I feel fantastic, not exhausted. The icing on the cake was that since I just decided last night to do this, I was a little tight on time after church to shop, prepare, cook and deliver by 4. My husband chipped in and helped and what fun it was to do this together. I wish you could have heard the sound of both ladies voices when I called earlier in the day to let them know I would be dropping of dinner….both sounded exhausted, and both acknowledged they had no idea what they were going to cook tonight. I just had to forward you the email below, your blog and taking the time to answer my email, helped a lady in NH whose husband is deployed feel God’s love!! What could be better?

I have to admit, I almost feel guilty that I feel this good about it.



Ps For my own family, we made the crescent chicken, and it was delicious… (even my fussy eater ate it!)
(This is the letter SHE got ….)

Hi Maureen

Thank you so much for a fantastic dinner!
We greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness. We could not ask for better neighbors.

Thank you,


Dear Janelle,
I have a small group, sleep over, Bible study of 12, 10-11 year olds. We are serving different local services every month. In April we are making dinner for the Police Department and going in and praying for them.  I will keep you posted as to how it goes.


Hi Janelle

Yeah, that’s sure something I will start around here. Lot of my friends from America or England that live around here, dont know that kind of help. Just had friends over for breakfast this morning and made some more to bring them down to our Landlord who is not feeling very well these times. He just loved it! I bring him occasionally food down, if we make something that he’d like.


Katja has a blog written in German- What an amazing and inspiring woman she is! There is a translator on her blog for your convenience!

There were also many wonderful comments on my Facebook Fan Page that spoke out to me…you are welcome to visit and see how God is really working!!!!

Thank you so much for being open to the Lord. I love you, my sweet Sisters in Christ…keep planting those seeds!!!!!!! 
Love, Janelle 

P.S. I want to remind you that YOUR family you should be your FIRST ministry. All other ministries second to that 🙂 If you are making delicious meals for your family..I give you a huge AMEN for planting seeds in YOUR home!!!

“But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, especially for members of his household, he has denied his faith and is worse than a unbeliver” 1 Timothy 5:8

I am linked up to Living Well Wednesdays- for more inspiration please click on the following button!




  1. Courtney (Women Living Well) says:

    OH Janelle!! I LOVE this!!!

    "Can I get an AMEN for the Boston shoe clerk who planted one enormous seed?!!!!!"

    You got it AMEN!!!

    Love you girl! Keep pressing on!!!

  2. The Every Day Extraordinary says:

    Amen!!!!!! Made the fagioloi last night–another delicious recipe!! My dad and Grandpa can't get enough of my bread pudding–I love making things and sharing them: )

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Janelle- Thanks for all your tasty recipes!! I have tried serveral and they have all been a HIT at our house!!

    I saw this post yeaterday and just had to let you know that our Pastor shared this same story on Sunday morning!!! WOW!! Sounds like God is teaching me something! Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. I have recently taken 3 bible studies by Anne Graham Lotz and was blown away. She is definitley annointed and a chip of her Father's block. In more ways than one…. I LOVE BILLY GRAHAM Ministry!

  5. Don and Shelly says:

    Janelle, this totally misted me over… thank you so much for sharing this, your testimony and your love of the Lord and others. Your family, friends and readers are blessed to have you!

  6. Wow, what a story! Isn't it so great that we all can plant seeds! We just have to start it! Thanks for putting up my little picture. I just got a big thank you for the little tray. Take care my friend! Katja

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