Comfy in Chitown!
Hi Ladies! I have been traveling with the family visiting friends and subsequently had the week OFF in the kitchen!
Many people crack up at the fact that my absolute favorite dinner is Pizza (Did you know this? Are you still my friend?). After all of the work I put into cooking and encouraging others to do the same, I can’t resist a piping hot pie right out of the oven. My friends love this about me because, for some reason, they are intimidated to cook for me (even though I am NOT a picky eater) When they opt to order pizza though, I am thrilled! LOVE IT!
I even have a method to my madness… If we are eating in and order pizza (rather than making it) I prefer “pick up” instead of delivery because “car pizza” is the best (you know, the slice that you eat in the car on the way home…the one that has zero calories). Where does this stem from? Could it be in my Italian genes? Oh, I wish I knew and I also wish I liked celery as much as I like pizza-I hear it actually has negative calories, lol.
I don’t have an answer or an excuse for myself…all I can say is this week I had some Ahhhhmazing pizza and was in my glory!
Here is a little peek into my week…
Can you come up with a recipe for Giordano's? Oh I wish you could. So glad you're having a special time!
Since you visited a friend who had babies. . .any ideas on a meal that will freeze well? I'd like to take my friend a fresh meal and one to toss in the freezer in three weeks when she has her baby. Ideas? A recipe? Thanks!!
I love the photos, especially the string of cheese connecting her to the pizza. LOL!!
I have never tried Pizza like that. Looks awesome!!
I knew I liked you! Pizza is my favorite dish too and a close second is eggplant parm so I always, always order pizza with roasted eggplant on top. I could eat that daily I think:-) Chicago pizza is divine! Now, if you get out this way I am taking you to the North End in Boston for some real famous pizza! You may never want to go home…LOL!
Wow. That pizza looks like some serious business! You're not the only on 9/10 times, pizza is my food of choice.
When my husband and I visited Chicago, that become our #1 all-time-favorite pizza place, too! I couldn't get over how amazing the pizza was…EVERYTHING about it is wonderful! The cheese, the sauce, the crust, the toppings…DE-LISH!! Glad you have fun!!
Girl–I LOVE pizza!!! And I love that same place too! My sis lives in Chicago and we hit it up every time we are there!!!
Glad you are having fun!
What great photos!! I love pizza its my weakness but can with drawl away from it!! Looks like you are having a great time and two little ones, that is a bonus!! Enjoy girl miss ya
Pizza is up there on my list of favorite foods as well! I have never tried Chicago pizza but it sure looks AMAZING!!
This looks so yummy! I've never tried Chicago pizza but I definitely want to now.
Janelle, many congratulations to your friends for their new blessings… and to you for that amazing pizza! Those pictures were unbelieveable!! We adore great pizza and it looks as though you guys some of the best that there is…!
Yes. That place is the best. The first time I was there I was starving and wasn't sure that I wanted to wait the extended time for the deep dish, but it was worth it! Yum!
Thank you Ladies! I am so glad to know you share my love for pizza! ha! Everyday- I would recommend making a meal to give your friend and a soup to freeze. I will share my wedding soup on the blog soon! I have made it more than anything else…and get requests for it! Would love to have you on Meal Ministry Monday! E-mail me! Love to you, Janelle
I remember Giordano's Pizza from my Moody days. On rare occasions they would order it and serve it in the cafeteria.
welcome to my hometown!! hope that your stay has been enjoyable, by the looks of that pizza – you're off to a great start! although i have strong opinions about deep dish (like most chicagoans) and prefer lou malnatis…guess you'll have to eat there too to decide
your blog has been really inspiring. i have been thinking and praying a lot about bringing up the idea of a meal ministry at my church. thanks for all of your inspiration and information!