I woke up this morning thinking about all that I had to get accomplished today. The laundry, meals, getting children ready for school, driving, cleaning…I got overwhelmed just thinking about it all.
By afternoon, the sun was shining and my girls were begging to go outside. But I couldn’t help to think about how much I had to do inside the house. I went outside to play anyways…
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Off for our walk |
The girls and I went for a walk. I prayed for every house we passed. Then, started to talk with God about how much I had to do again…I prayed for energy. I also prayed that I could enjoy this time with my girls instead of thinking of everything else I could be doing..
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Don’t miss these precious moments |
Then, His words spoke to me and said “Janelle, I am GOD and it took me 7 days to make the universe. I did not get all I wanted to accomplish done in one day, neither should you. I also rested on the 7th day, so should you”.
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Spend time with your children…it goes by so fast. |
I do believe God could have gotten it all done in one day if He wanted to, but because of His infinite grace He didn’t…I love Him so much for this.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
~Philippians 4:6
“I will give thanks to you oh Lord, with all of my heart”
– Psalm 9:1
Enjoy YOUR day!
Love to you,
This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24
I am participating in Women Living Well Wednesdays! Love you Courtney!
Thanks for the reminder! It can definitely be hard to put aside the "to-do" list and enjoy life. Also, to have the wisdom to know when it is OK since the "to-do" list is usually important.
Thank you for the post. I really needed to hear this today. Another Wow God moment.
Hi Janelle-
This post spoke to me today. I so needed it.
I LOVE your blog.
Aw – this is so sweet. Thank you for sharing your life and heart so transparently! We are on the SAME page today girl!
Love ya,
Thanks Janelle, I always have a "to do list" a mile long… Thanks for a reminder to slow down… Little Jason is growing up before my eyes… Jamie :o)
Thank you for sharing this today! I was cleaning my sons room and was overwhelemed with emotions of how he's almost 16 and yet it seems like yesterday he was a baby. I had him when I was 18, I struggle with feeling that because I was so young I didn't enjoy him like I should have. I fell to my knees by his bed and was crying out to God. He then reminded me of His grace and covering over my son then. He also reminded me I still have time and it's never to late. So I thanked Him and pledged to stop living in regret and to move forward with today and enjoy the time I have with him as well as my two other sons. I am so thankful for Gods grace and mercy!
whew…thanks for the reminder!
Thank you. I needed to hear this. I actually am struggling today, myself, with all I have to do. It's good to be reminded that "rest" is a command of God! Thanks for the blessing!!
What a blessing! This is just what I needed to hear at this moment in time. God bless you, Sweet Sister!
Hello Janelle! I just found your blog! You have a lovely family and a beautiful ministry! Thanks for the encouragement to hospitality!
I know what those days are like Janelle. When I am overwhelmed it is usually for one of two reasons – being too hard on myself and striving for that perfectly clean, spotless, organized house – like the ones I see and read about on blog posts. I don't worry about my girls creating tents behind the sofa with the throws I just folded and returned – that's okay I can vacuum around them but maybe I should be putting away the vacuum cleaner and joining them for their tea party in their 'tent' with their teddy bears and dolls. These are the memories I want to create for them. I don't want them to remember me as 'Dyson mum'!
The other reason is saying yes to too many requests and having too many outside commitments. I was heavily involved in church ministry(in leadership) when my older children were little and regret to say trips to the park were few and far between. Hospitality and meal ministry though was something the Lord prompted me not to give up – it was something that I could do out of my home and involve my children in too. When I gave it to God for Him to direct, it was no longer a burden… He orchestrates everything so beautifully.
When I feel overwhelmed I remind myself that God gives me a cup to fill and not a colander or sieve that everything drains out of. When I fill up on His Word and spend time in His Presence He fills my cup and it spills out or runneth over to bless others! That is in the very Psalm about resting and lying down in green pastures! My cup is still full – don't you just love that God uses so many table and food pictures to illustrate His promises!
Always go for the walk instead of fussing over the house, they grow so quickly! The housework will always be there:-) I am sure your girls will remember the sweet fellowship with Mum:-)
Well it sure is nice to know I am not alone here!!! I managed to get some things off my check list today, but I know the most important time I spent was with my family today. I can make a lot of things in the kitchen…but the best thing I know how to make is my children smile
I LOVE to have fun with them. (P.S. Don't look in my laundry room! LOL!)
Spot-on, Janelle!
thanks! I needed to hear this… just found you today
Thats awesome Nena..welcome to the Comfy blog!