Serving others who serve us

As I looked out the window on one of our warmest Spring days, I was so appreciative to see the gentleman we hired doing outside work on our home. He was on time, working hard, and doing an excellent job. He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, sweat dripping from his brow, and was listening to Shania Twain (lol). I had just made the girls their lunch and they were eating at the dining room table. It dawned on me that he was working through his lunch hour. I looked in the refrigerator for something to make him….I actually didn’t have much to offer because I hadn’t been to the grocery store in 5 days. I was able to scrounge up something edible and my daughter and I brought it out to him and told him how much we appreciate his hard work. He was so thankful…I can’t even describe the smile he had on his face. The lunch I made him wasn’t much, but it meant a lot to him…I did this the following day as well. He called us the next evening to let us know that in the 20 years he had been doing work, no one had ever made him lunch before……

When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.  John 13:12-17

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.  ~Mother Teresa

A fried egg and cheese sandwich, banana, chips and water
My daughter has a servants heart…she was so happy to take this out to him.
The next day, a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich, strawberries, chips and iced tea.
If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.  ~Mother Teresa
Happy to serve….
Love to you, Janelle




  1. Lyssette says:

    this has given me courage. I LOVE to serve others and I at times I think I have to do something big or an expensive meal however just a simple sandwich and chips with fruit and water when it is done from the heart that is all that matters. I will have some men come to put down new grass for us this week and our children and I will serve them lunch and have some cold water for them. We live in central Florida so it is hot outside. I love following your blog! Continue to serve Him as you serve others!

    God Bless;

  2. Ann at eightacresofeden says:

    Oh I loved this Janelle and I love that you noticed his need and sent out your daughter to deliver the meal – you are sowing the seeds of boldness in serving others now.
    I must tell you about an act of kindness bestowed upon my dear mother in the UK who is in her 80's. She had hired two painters to paint her hall after a man with a decorating business in her own church was going to charge her an inflated price – she likes to hire Christians if she can but knew she could not afford his charges. This time she had to find local guys out of the paper and they seemed a bit rough around the edges. Their quote was a lot less and they did a very good job but get this – they noticed the birthday cards out on display and realized it was her birthday. The next day when they came to finish off the job they presented her with a lovely card signed by them both. I was just blown away by this when she told me about how these men (yes men!) had noticed her cards and actually thought to bring her a card. Made me realize that we need to be actively looking out for ways in which we can be a blessing to others.

  3. Cross Stitch Crazy Mum says:

    You make me wonder about what I have in my own kitchen for someone who may need it. I love your serving story and will definatly put my self forward next time someone needs it 🙂

  4. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Lyssette- I love how submissive your heart is when you hear God's word! You will have to let me know the reaction the men have when you share the love of the Lord with them 🙂 Ann…what a blessing your story is! SO SWEET! I wish we lived closer…;) Cross Stitch-what a blessing your statement is….it is so true that God gives us the means to give to others..He will provide if we trust in Him. Love to you, Janelle

  5. Courtney (Women Living Well) says:

    Awesome Janelle – this is why I LOVE ya! You walk the walk – you live what you believe! Keep shining girl!

  6. I thought I posted this last night – so if you get this twice sorry!!
    You have such a kind heart! And it's wonderful that your children share that with you.
    I can still remember when we were in high school ( I think it was freshman year ) – you brought in some of your jeans to give to a girl in our class that came from a family that didn't have much. For some reason that has stuck with me all these years as such a gracious and selfless act!! 🙂

  7. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Thank you Courtney…right back at cha!!!! Nicole, you don't know what a blessing your comment is to me…oh wow. I remember that too- I was so nervous that she would be offended, but she wasn't. She was so appreciative. Thanks for remembering that…love, Janelle

  8. Janelle, this warms my heart more than you know. My husband is a landscaping irrigation foreman, and even though I make sure to send him with a full lunch every day, it makes me really happy when he comes home with a story about how someone showed kindness to him.

    Even a soda out of the fridge or a homemade cookie can give a hardworking man that little bit of hospitality he needs to feel appreciated. The men who work in our yards and on our homes often drive 2 or more hours just to get there, and work 10 to 12 hour days in the heat and the rain to be able to support their families.

    I'm able to be a stay at home mom because of my husband's hard work, and when another mom takes a moment out of her day to offer a small kindness to him, it's a gesture of caring towards our whole family.

    Thank you for being such a sweet, caring woman.

  9. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Joanna, What a blessing it is to stay at home…It's so nice to hear a wife so honoring to her husband. I am thrilled to pieces your husband has stories to share with you of other people's kindness!!!! YEA!!!!!!! I hope that this message will plant seeds for other people to continue this on….sometimes we can just be embarrassed to do a kind thing for someone, but what a small price to pay for what Jesus did for us 🙂 Praying for all those hard working men out there!!!! Love to you, Janelle

  10. Anonymous says:

    Dear Nel,

    You are always so genuinely kind and concerned for others. I love your pure heart. Your children have two great role models. You never cease to amaze and inspire me! I love you!

  11. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Dee!!!!! Thank you so much! I am so excited you were on my blog 🙂 You amaze me! The most thoughtful person I know. I love you! Nel

  12. Anonymous says:

    I have thought about doing that before, but was too afraid they would reject my offer…I guess I should just listen to God next time. Thanks for the encouragement to do that!

  13. Love it! Love it lots!

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