Feasting in Fellowship Friday

 Women Living Well  is featuring “Comfy in the Kitchen’s” most loved recipe, Crescent Chicken. While you are there, be sure to browse around! What an inspiring blog that focuses on biblical marriages and family…



Feasting in Fellowship Top 3

Yummy Peanut Butter Popcorn

Made By: Joyful Homemaking


Zuppa Toscana

Made By: Hearts and Home


Strawberry Crisp

Made By: The Humbled Homemaker

It’s A Feasting in Fellowship Link up! Post as many recipes as you wish..I love seeing what YOU have cookin! Please place my button (located on the side bar) on to your post and link back.

Have a great weekend Ladies!




  1. Hope you have some fun planned for the weekend, Janelle. Thanks for hosting! 🙂

  2. Oh that popcorn looks so good. Wouldn’t last long in our house.

  3. Thanks for hosting a great party! I shared your party on my facebook so more people can join the fun!

  4. ok, seriously, Crescent Chicken…Yum! Thanks for sharing. The dinner guest looked like they were having so much fun. Loved the girls on the couch watching a movie…too cute.

  5. Oh my goodness! I had no idea you featured my strawberry crisp until just now. No wonder I had so much traffic this weekend! Thank you so much! I am really enjoying your blog! I am new to linking up…thanks for offering it!


  1. […] Beauty & Bedlam, CraftOManiac Monday at Craft-O-Maniac, Recipe Swap Sundays at Remodelaholic, Feasting in Fellowship Friday at Comfy in the Kitchen, Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum, Friday Favorites at Simply Sweet Home, […]

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