Meal Ministry Monday Welcomes: My Son

“Train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
~Proverbs 22:6

I heard noises coming from the kitchen early this morning. “What time is it Hon?”, I asked my husband across the bed. ” Uhh..7″ he said in a very groggy voice. I had 15 mins until the alarm would go off then I would have to get my crew ready for church. I had a feeling the noise was just my oldest in the refrigerator helping himself to some cereal, so I sunk back into my pillow to get that extra 15 mins I “deserved”. About 5 mins later I heard my son running up the steps and into our room. “Mom! I have a surprise for you…come look!!!!” He was just so excited that I managed to get myself up (yes, before the alarm rang- haha) to find out what my surprise was...and would you look at this….

Breakfast “7 -year- old- style”
with all of our names πŸ˜‰Β 
1/2 of a waffle, banana, and a Sprite for Mom and Dad.Β 
Grapes, a banana and some fruit punch for his sisters!Β 
Me and my little man… I was one proud Mama.Β 

Yes… I ate that cold frozen waffle, that not-quite-ripe banana…and traded in my coffee for a Sprite this morning. My son was moved to serve his family all on his own and nothing else mattered.
This is a small start, I know…but I have high hopes for this child of mine. It brought a tear to my eye that he may be watching me afterall…..

“Our children are watching us live, and what we are shouts louder than anything we can say”
Β ~Wilfred A Paterson

Please e-mail me at to be a guest blogger on Meal Ministry Mondays. I would love to show off your love for the Lord and His people!Β 



  1. A Day in the Life... says:

    how sweet!! πŸ™‚

  2. Courtney (Women Living Well) says:

    OH Nelle – LOVE this! Woohoo!!! Go Jesus – use our children for your glory!!!

  3. Jackie Koll says:

    That is fantastic – makes you realize that you really are an example to your children! (and we all are! )

  4. Anonymous says:

    I cried. How touching!

  5. Ann at eightacresofeden says:

    'All your sons shall be taught by the Lord and great will be your children's peace.'
    Isaiah 54.13

    How beautiful when God uses our own children to bless us and others.

    It's another meal ministry Monday and once again I have had guests on a Monday – I told you God started sending me people on Mondays Janelle after I found your blog and this morning we shared breakfast with friends from NZ who had dinner and an overnight stay with us last night on their way up the east coast. It was a reunion after 12 years after finding them on Facebook earlier this year. My younger children loved being hosts to them – giving them tours of our home and persuading them to have more chocolate cake! I love spontaneous acts of hospitality by children. Learning to serve others begins at home and how touching was what you shared today.
    I would be proud too – so very proud.

  6. Bobbi Jo says:

    What a sweet young man. That was awesome of him to do. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  7. Amy @ Kitchen and Kids says:

    That is so sweet. He chose well.

  8. Marianne says:

    So touching, so sweet and so much hope. Thank you for sharing such sweetness!

  9. Grammy Blick says:

    What a blessing upon awakening! I'm certain you'll share our thanks to the young gentleman for brightening our day, too.

  10. Marcy Rachiele says:

    I loved this! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Ann- that is SO amazing God has been sending you people on Mondays. I would love to see your children in action…what a beautiful family and ministry you have my friend. Love hearing about it!!! Grammy- I sure will tell him πŸ˜‰ Love you girls, Janelle

  12. Anonymous says:

    Janelle, OK this story and pics blessed me so! I love real-life practical ways God blesses and uses us in our own families – precious. Thanks for sharing. Love, Jenny C.

  13. Awww, that brought tears to my eyes! I have a little girl that looks to be about the same age (will be 7 on the 22nd) so I can appreciate the joy of seeing a little one desire to give in such a beautiful way! I'm struggling with balancing between her desire to be helpful and doing things that are dangerous or really less than helpful.

    • Nikki- I understand πŸ™‚ I have my knives on top of my refrigerator for that exact reason!!!! Safety comes first. We have to really teach our children that obedience is an act of love- if we are telling them to stay away from something-they need to do that. Then, as parents we try not to give them the opportunity to hurt themselves (or set them up for failure). As far as the less than helpful thing- it made me giggle because I felt the same way…my son would “fold” his clothes and put them away. It drove me craaaaaazy that his drawers were filled with clean balls of clothes. But, I decided to let it go and not crush his spirit. I pick my battles with that one. As a little girl I remember my mom remaking my bed after I made it and getting so hurt- She did not mean to hurt me of course, but I remembered that. I am sure it was in my memory for a reason- I try to be very sensitive to their confidence. Since I am a bit overprotective as far as freedom goes with my kidos ..this is a way I can encourage them to do things on their own. Motherhood is not easy and I am still learning!!! Love to you Nikki, Janelle

  14. What a great moment! I love that you ate the food he put out. πŸ™‚ The quote by Wilfred A. Patterson is so very true. Thanks for sharing.

  15. That is sooo sweet. You have laid the foundation.

  16. Oh my, so precious! So glad your son notices your example of hospitality and serving others through food and has imitated that!

  17. Do you happen to have a new button for this new web address? Blogger does redirect it but not without me asking it too – otherwise, it just sits there. πŸ™‚ Thanks

  18. Ashley Brady says:

    Love it Janelle!

  19. This is SO sweet!! What a thoughtful son you have!! Good job mom and dad!!

    Mrs. U

  20. πŸ™‚ AWWWW>>>>>What a sweet boy!

  21. This post just made me smile.
    I love it.
    Love it!
    Especially the Sprite. πŸ™‚

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