Relevant 11



One of the best weekends of my life.

True friendships formed lovingly by God.

He was present.

Tears of happiness, conviction, and joy literally streamed.

I’ve never laughed so hard…seriously.

It was such an honor to be present.

This weekend was just. so. dear. to. me.

Some of the girls at Bob Evans the first night. Clare (Peak313) Ruth (The Better Mom) Darlene (Time Warp Wife). I remember loving listening to Darlene’s sweet Canadian accent.”Excuse me, Waitress…where’s the washroom?”

My fitness guru with her chocolates! love it!

I HAD to get this photo! What do bloggers do when they FINALLY get together in person?! LOL..they blog! Lord…help us.

Swag- and a lot of it. Wowsa.

Such a dear picture to me. You may know that I co-led the study “The Ministry of Motherhood” over the Summer at Courtney’s house. One of the most heartfelt Christian writers of our time...Sally Clarkson. She is just as kind and loving in person. She took the time to pray with me this weekend. A true class-act woman of the Lord. PLEASE visit her at www.itakejoy.comΒ and read every one of her books. πŸ™‚

Jessica ( Muthering Heights) and I- I had the blessing of her company last night at dinner. What a true sweetheart…she radiates the love of the Lord in that beautiful smile of hers. Loved getting to know her.

Courtney and Ruth– Adorable!!

Joy (Grace Full Mama), Courtney and Clare. Was this before or after we cried until we laughed last night?

A HUGE thank you to all the ladies involved making Relevant the success that it was. It really was such an honor just to be there witnessing all that God is doing. A special thank you to Sarah Mae from Like a Warm Cup of Coffee for carrying out God’s dream for Christian Bloggers to be under one roof together in harmony.




  1. Funny. Our room was the same way. All of us on computers every night before bed πŸ™‚

  2. Wooohooooo!!! I had such a great time and yes we did laugh and laugh and laugh…and cry and cry and cry :).

  3. I couldn’t have said it better! What great memories!

  4. Hey Janelle! Looks like an awesome time in the Lord. Since I’m so new to blogging, I didn’t find out about it until it was sold out. πŸ™ Thank God for the next time though!

  5. Is it okay to be envious in a good kinda way? Looks like you had a fantastic time Janelle. This is when I realize that Australia is really down under and so far away otherwise I would have been there. To be sure there are Christian bloggers here but probably not enough to have a conference just for them. I am still to meet any of my sweet blogger friends in person but hope to one day. Blogging just doesn’t seem to attract the numbers here like it does in your country. I am having a small break from writing my blog because I am organizing for Courageous the movie to come to a town in my region of Australia. It was only coming to the big cities so I decided to make it happen here as no one seemed to know about it. I am so excited to see what the Lord is going to do through this. Blessings to you Janelle as you continue to reach out to others with your ministry of food, hospitality and of course blogging!

  6. I am so happy you all had such a blessed time together! Sounds like it was an absolutely wonderful conference and time of fellowship! Blessings to you, Kelly

  7. Fun pictures! Glad you guys had a great time of fellowship, encourgement and focusing on Jesus!!

  8. Sweet Janelle! Thank you for ministering to my heart and pouring out Christ’s truths. I am so very glad that we met, and your friendship is in my heart!
    I love the giving spirit and dreams that you have. May the Lord BLESS you over and over again!
    – {darlene} @

  9. Great pictures Janelle! It was such a pleasure to meet you and so much more fun to see your smiling face in that gorgeous blog photo now that I’ve seen your smiling face in person! Such a great conference…I’m still processing everything I learned and thinking about how many great gals I met!

  10. Looks like you had a great time. I’m definitely gonna show my hubby the pic of y’all on your laptops…I think he thinks I’m the only one. Cool.


  1. […] from Time Warp Wife and Joy from Gracefull Mama. (Check out their blog posts about Relevant! Comfy and WLW They have more […]

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