Feasting in Fellowship Friday/Featured Recipe and Link up!

It’s NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION TIME Ladies! What better time to start eating healthier than the beginning of a new year…here is a recipe to give you a kick start. Come visit me over Roomag for this delicious Raw Veggie Salad….if you love coconut, you are going to love this! Oh..and it is gluten, dairy, and egg free-Yippee! I eat this before my workouts…yum.

Roo Mag

Friday’s Top 3 Picks~

Roll in the New Year with these DELICIOUS  appetizers! What a lovely addition to a New Years Eve gathering! A huge thank you to all who linked up!

Tostada Tartlettes

Made By: Simply This.That.And the other..

 Delicious Appetizer Ideas for New Years! (Bacon Roll Ups Below)

Made By: Inspired By Family

Hot Crab Dip in a Bread Bowl

Made By: What’s Cooking, Love?




  1. Thank you for featuring my Crab Dip! I plan on making it for a party that we are going to today. Thanks for hosting and have a great New Year’s Eve!

  2. The bacon roll-ups sound (and look) delicious. I’m off to print that recipe to make for our new years party!

    Thanks for hosting, Janelle. Wishing you and yours a blessed 2012! ~Lisa 🙂

  3. Janelle,
    I just wanted to say that I’ve read your blog for a long time and loved it. I think your recipes are great and I wanted to thank you for letting your heart for God and service to Him shine through. Keep up your great work.

  4. How fun, a feature!!! Thanks! I wasn’t sure if your linky party was still open to all post or if you were back to just food. Just let me know if it’s just food.

  5. Everything looks amazing like always! Happy New Year Janelle!


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