We have a NEW member of the family….”Manny”

I cannot believe it…we have a furry new family member! We have been praying about this for a while. Or, should I say the children have been BEGGING for a dog since I can remember, haha. Each one of them asked for a reallivepuppy for Christmas this year. Last year I got away with that stuffed dog that barks “Go Go the Walking Pup” I do believe. This year I could feel a bit of a void …when we went to get him last night…it just felt right…he is a sweetheart.

Manny…short for Emmanuel “God with us” is the perfect name for a Christmas pup. This will be the little guy “cleaning” up the floor after “Mom” gets “comfy in the kitchen”…hehe.

A mutual love has already begun with Manny and my daughter…they are so sweet together.

My son loves responsibility…he took Manny outside and made sure he got plenty to eat and drink today.

And gave him his first bath…he was such a good boy!


Thanks for letting me introduce the newest member of the family! He has already given us a lot of laughs! Anyone else getting a Christmas pup?!

I hope you Ladies are enjoying all the time leading up to Christmas- I know it can be stressful- but please take a deep breath and dare not allow yourself to pass up the joy in today. Us ladies have a lot to do, but God wants us to enjoy the life he has given us…He delights in our happiness much like we delight in our children’s happiness….



  1. Karen Powell says:

    You and my sister Shannon love you some babies – no matter the type, don’t you :-)? My dog brings me tremendous joy. Hoping Manny does for you too.

  2. Oh my goodness! I knew those kiddos would crack you one day! He’s precious and the kids look so happy! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

  3. He is so cute! We got the girls a puppy for christmas too! He is so sweet but I am not too fond of this house training business! Lol. Congrats and Merry Christmas! Ps…our puppies will have to have a playdate! Lol

  4. SOOOOOOOOO cute!!! Merry Christmas! 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

  5. He is so cute congrats!!!!!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pics of your new puppy,Manny, the newest member of the family! He is ADORABLE! I love the name too, Emanuel! Love it! Very fitting! You are very blessed to find this sweet, loving little puppy. The children will love, cherish and care for him the best! What a great Christmas present! Merry Christmas to you and your precious family!

  7. He’s adorable! There’s nothing better than a puppy!! What breed is he?

  8. Kristi Veitenheimer says:

    What an absolutely adorable puppy! What kind of dog is he?

  9. What a sweet puppy!! Dogs bring so much joy and happiness 🙂

  10. Our dogs have brought us so much joy over the years. Hoping your sweet Manny will do the same for your family. (Just remember, once he’s really “settled in” and in the crazy puppy stage, that that doesn’t last forever!!)

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