Beautified Banquet {Continued}

Hi Again Ladies!

Well, today is day 2 of “gearing up” for the Beautified Banquet!

It is going to be such a fun event! Games, a modesty fashion show, crafts, a dress-up photo booth, a mom/daughter “newlywed” game, food, and fellowship. The best thing? Dads are making a surprise appearance and will be on stage reading letters they have written to their daughters about what they love about them. How. Awesome. Is. That.

So, we did some prep work for the event today…some at home and a lot at the church. Here is what we have done thus far.

For all the recipes- see yesterday’s post– I will also be posting the conversions for “Cooking for a Crowd” soon.

I made up 2 “Better Than a Hug Cakes”- enough for 75 people.

I washed and skewered the “Caterpillar Grapes” and will be putting on their cute little faces tomorrow. They are chillin in the refrigerator 🙂

Loaded up the “Swaggar Wagon” with all the ingredients I needed to start cooking at the church and the decorations! This was a lot of stuff! {shout out to Thirtyone bags in the bottom right corner, haha}

And sweet Alice making heart shaped PB & Js!

Finishing touches on the cakes. 

That’s a lot of Poppyseed Dressing! 

Ive come to find out that commercial mixers scare me. This one could take my arm off. But, Pineapple Fluff is worth that expense.

Cucumber sandwiches prep work done. Cucumbers are sliced and in the refrigerator! I’ll put them together tomorrow. 

Lemons are sliced for the centerpieces, cakes are done, pineapple fluff is done, salad is made. 

Moving on to the “Family Life Center” for decorating! Here is our beverage station…lemonade, sweet tea, and water with lemons. 

Check out these adorable little signs my cousin Jen made for me. LOVE. 

We “prepped” the candy buffet. 

Another adorable sign my cousin Jen made. 

We started setting tables….aren’t those the cutest little cookies? I have to remember to pick up the flowers from the florist tomorrow for the centerpieces!

The dress-up photo booth!!!! The girls are going to LOVE it! Thanks to Melissa and her hubby!!

Ill be back to show you the finished product of “The Beautified Banquet”!

No “Feasting in Fellowship Friday” today…I am off to get some Zzzz’s.

Tomorrow is a big day!  



  1. Thanks for Sharing!! Amazing!!! May God bless your Hands while you work to be a Blessing to ALL the girls that are coming!!

  2. Amazing Janelle – simply amazing! Our church is SOOOO blessed to have you and your talents and heart in that kitchen!!! (and I love those other two ladies in there with you too – Great servants of God!!)

    Thank you for what you do! SO inspiring!
    Love you girl!

  3. Everything looks so beautiful. Don’t you have butterflies in your stomach when you do things like this? So inspiring and can’t wait to see the pictures of it all put together!

    • Yes, I sure do Deanna! But, God takes over and it always turns out exactly the way He wants it to! I was just telling someone that the last church function 50 RSVPd and 100 showed up- would you know that we had enough food? It reminded me of the fish and loaves of bread….honestly, I would have never known to cook double- God did! Without him it’s burnt grilled cheese.

  4. It looks fantastic! I’m sure you had a wonderful time.

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