Nailed it! {lol}

Ohhh… am I getting a good laugh out of Pinterest today!!!! Thank you to the ladies who posted these photos of humility….I LOVE a person who can laugh at themselves {I have gotten kick out of myself over the years, that is FOR SURE! ha!} I can definitely think of some times that I have “Nailed it”! Let me be an encouragement to you with these photos and say that we ALL fall short 😉 Keep cooking!

Nailed it! Lol Nailed it! Lol Nailed it! Lol

Chickie Eggs

Pinned Image

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Nailed it!
Pumpkin Donut Blobs

Nailed it!

Donut Hole Snowman

nailed it !

Cookie Cups

I can’t think of a better way to learn how to cook than by way of “nailing it”, can you?! I am a big believer in learning from mistakes, laughing about them…then moving on.

Keep cooking girls! Thanks for the giggle!  

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. ~Proverbs 11:2 





  1. Oh I do have those times…last one involved the oven with burned cake coating the racks and coils. Ugh!

  2. Oh Dear…those are hilarious! I have definitely had my fair share of experiences like that. The worst was this pasta recipe called spaghetti with sand, you think the name would have clued me into the way it would taste but we were tight on money at the time and I had the ingredients so I tried it. Oh boy, let me tell you, I think it may have tasted better had I dumped actual dirt on my plate, yuck! It was rather funny though and my husband was a good sport. I have since honed my cooking skills with the help of my husband and am much more confident in the kitchen than I was at that time.

  3. I “nailed” a grilled cheese sandwich at lunch today – blacker than the blackest night. It’s even the small, simple things that we can totally nail! Thanks for the laugh.

  4. Some of the best recipes come from mistakes made in the kitchen. These pictures are great. I will have to share some of mine. If you spend any time at all in the kitchen you have a had a monment like those above, but it is great to laugh it off and try again.

  5. Amen! Keep cooking! Thanks for the laugh! These are terrific! 🙂

  6. This gave me a good chuckle today!

  7. Oh, this cracked me up. I tried to make Christmas spritz cookies for my grandfather for Christmas one year—my now-gone grandmother was an incredible baker, and I have, happily, inherited some of her skill.

    Except for those darned spritz.

    They tasted GREAT, but they didn’t look like pretty little wreaths at all! Alas!

    Well, thanks for the giggle. 😉

  8. There is a whole website about this, it’s called “” It’s all the pins that people have tried and failed.


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