Happy Friday Everyone!
This Summer is flying by…my, oh my, it's August!
We still have time for more delicious Summer dishes; Here are the Friday's favorites….
Featured Recipe:
Join me over at Women Living Well where my sweet friend Courtney is serving up "The Incredible, Edible…..DIRT!" {This is actually my husband's favorite, hehe} Alas, for kids and grown-ups alike you will have a winning dessert.
Friday's Favorites!
Made By: Mamal Diane
Ladies, do this!!! You will be SO glad you did when your corn is "Summer fresh" on Thanksgiving. Scoop up those fresh ears at your local farm or farmer's market {bi-color is my favorite}
Made By: Cooking on the Front Burner
Made By: Steak N Potatoes Kinda Gurl
Feasting in Fellowship LINK-UP!
Please link up as many of your favorite recipes, Christian posts, and/or posts of the season as you like! All I ask is that you 1. Place my button {located on my side bar} onto your post. OR 2. Link back to me by placing "linking up with Comfy in the Kitchen" at the bottom of your post.
Thank you all so very much for sharing your delicious recipes on Comfy. I LOVE showing you off! I always have to give a shout out to those who tweet, pin and FB about Comfy in the Kitchen…it's always nice to have new friends! Much love, Janelle
Thank you so much Janelle for featuring my freezing fresh corn post. Today I am sharing how to make blueberry cobbler. Have a wonderful Friday!
I came to link up and saw my Caprese Salad – that brought a smile to me face – thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Thanks!! Your timing was perfect!! Our grandchildren are beginning a new school year on Monday, so we were hosting a sleepover tonight to celebrate and I was trying to decide on what fun filled dessert we'd be having tonight since it was too hot yet for a fire and S'mores and we just had an Ice Cream Shoppe last time! "The Incredible, Edible…..DIRT!" will be perfect for tonight!! Already assembled by a few of our g-kids and waiting for the fun to begin in a few hours!!
Awesome Sue!!! Have a great time!