Friday’s Favorites


Happy Friday Ladies!

Wow, has our family had a busy week.

My husband had reconstruction on his ankle today…it was a lot bigger surgery than I expected! So, needless to say I will be taking good care of him until he is “back on his feet” again. It is going to be a long 3 months, but I am just so thankful to be healthy and able to serve my family. Our girls have also been quick to help take care of Daddy…oh, how sweet. As I walked into the bedroom there they were- busy working on him with their play doctor set { he was also wearing my wedding tiara on his head -hehehe!!!} What a great sport…we will laugh at this in a few years.  God is SO good!

So what do we have cooking today? Let’s see…. 

My dear friend Courtney from Women Living Well was in North Carolina TONIGHT! {Did you get to watch the LIVE “Unglued” Webcast she participated in this evening with Lysa Terkeurst ,Kelly Stamps and Dr. Tim Clinton?} I couldn’t be more proud of her and all she is doing for the Lord and for women…Wohoo!!!

Being a girl who wears many hats {and wears them well!}, she most certainly did not forget to cook up a little something at home for her hubby…check out these Loaded Nachos she has under the broiler! Mmmmm….

{If the link does not take you to Loaded Nachos please check back a little later….}

Friday’s Top 3 Picks!

I love to see what YOU have cookin…and best of all I love bragging about you! Keep up the GREAT work ladies! These look delicious…

French Toast Casserole

Made By: Chocolate, Chocolate, and more…


Slow Cooked Beef Burritos

Made By: Posed Perfection


Flourless Maple Peanut Butter Oat Cookies

Made By: A {Modern} Christian Woman


Please link up as many recipes, Christian posts, or seasonal posts as you wish. All I ask is either you place my button {located on my sidebar} onto your post, or link back. Thank you all so much for sharing your gifts with me…keep serving, my friends! Love to YOU!

As always thank you to all who tweet, FB and Pin!!! 




  1. I did watch the webcast tonight and thought everyone did a great job!!

    Thanks for the link up – I linked up one recipe and one faith post. 🙂

    Prayers for a quick recovery for your husband and plenty of patience and energy for you as you serve your family!!

  2. Those flourless peanut butter cookies look amazing. I need to pin them! Wishing your family the best as your husband recovers!


  3. Thanks so much for hosting this party. And a big thank you for featuring my Slow Cooked Beef Burritos. I am honored to be in such a talented lineup. I hope all goes well for your hubby and your sweet family as you take care of him. I’ll be praying for a quick recovery and strength for you. Have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks for hosting and for the feature of my French Toast Casserole. Hubby hubby heals fast and is up and about soon. And I hope you got a photo of him and your girls with that Tiara. He is a good sport. Have a great weekend!

  5. Speedy wishes and prayers! Thanks for hosting

  6. Oh my, praying for you and your family during your husband’s recovery! Thanks for hosting again this week! Have a great holiday weekend! 🙂

  7. So funny about the tiara. I remember my husband wearing barrettes more than once that our young daughter carefully placed. smile.

  8. Thank for hosting, have a great weekend, I linked Apple Brownies

  9. Praying for your husband’s speedy recovery! Thanks for the great post & hosting the linkup, & God bless!

  10. Thanks for hosting! I linked up my post on beef broth for GAPS:


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