A Thanksgiving Potluck at Take them a Meal!

5 Scrumptious Thanksgiving Potluck Recipes, from Comfy in the Kitchen

Hostessing Thanksgiving can be very stressful- the grocery shopping, cleaning, meal planning, cooking, baking, financial stress-just all of it added up can leave us feeling quite exhausted. Ladies, this really shouldn’t be. I am asking you to accept help this year. Please join me over one of my favorite websites Take Them a Meal where I’m sharing ideas on how to create the perfect potluck for your Thanksgiving meal. You don’t have to do it on your own!! Drop the guilt and enjoy this time with your family!!!

Take Them A Meal






***Don’t forget about The Perfect Potluck website- it makes planning a potluck SO EASY!!!!***



  1. This question kinda relates to this post . . .I can’t remember where I saw this last year so I thought I’d start with you – did you share how to cook a turkey in a roaster verses the oven since the oven is needed for so many other dishes? I’m thinking of buying a roaster this year since it seems Thanksgiving is ending up at my house more and more but was hoping to find the “guide” that I saw last year. 🙂

  2. Love your blog! So nice to find a fellow Christian blogger 🙂

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