Mystery Vacation for Comfy


Hi Ladies! I am on a “Mystery Vacation” this week….can anyone guess where I’m at??? I’ll be back to tell you all about it!



  1. Hmmm….Disney World?? Somewhere warm! 🙂

  2. I know! I know!

  3. Off with your friends, the Yoaks, by any chance?

    • lol, how did you know that Crista??!!

      • I am friends with Melissa and she told me you are her friend (that your husbands played ball together when they were young). So, when I saw you were on a mystery trip in what looked like the same place the Yoaks are this week, I guessed.

  4. Guessing Disney – California or Florida I don’t know. I live in South Florida and that’s pretty much what we wear in the winter. 🙂

  5. Disneyworld!!! or somewhere warm and has rides….by the looks of it your having fun! Thats all that matters….Have a blessed time! 🙂

  6. I’m not sure where you are, but what a cute picture! I would love a mystery vacation! Enjoy!

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