I have GREAT news!!!! Take Them a Meal Blog….


Take Them A Meal Blog






Hi Everyone! I have such great news….I’m officially a contributor to the blog…Take Them a Meal. For those of you who don’t know about this blog/website…it’s my heart and absolute favorite meal ministry website. I’m humbled beyond belief to serve for a website that I’ve used as a tool so many times for my meal ministries. God is so good. Please be praying for me to encourage others who have this same passion who I meet over there. These willing souls are the hands and feet of Jesus. 

What is Take Them a Meal {dot} com? It’s a website designed to gather a community of people to sign up for meals for a certain individual/family in need of this kind of help. This need could be because of a surgery, death, birth of a baby, etc. Whatever the case…it is such a blessing for this individual or family. You may not be able to help take away their trial, but you can make a meal.

I love this site because it’s so easy to set up, send to people via e-mail and it has all of the recipients information right on the page. There are even reminder e-mails that get sent to those people who signed up to make and take a meal!

There’s more…

This site offers delicious recipe ideas, prepared meals you can purchase and send, and many inspiring stories of how meal ministry blesses so many people.

Today, I’m sharing my favorite meal ministry story yet. I can’t tell you how honored I was to make a meal for this sweet family who’s 6 year old son is fighting a brave fight with Leukemia.

Please come visit me over at Take Them a Meal to hear all about it…Jonny’s mom is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met, inside and out…by her letter, you’ll see what I feel this way. She truly is anchored in Christ. After you read her letter, would you please pray for this family? I know you will…you are my team and I just love you for that. 


Tonight we're all looking forward to a special meal from a friend

Take them a Meal is on FB– Make sure to like them for updates! 



  1. So happy for you, Janelle!!

  2. Hooray!!! What a perfect match! So happy for you!
    Courtney 🙂

  3. Great news! We use this site often and it is SUCH a blessing!

  4. Congratulations Janelle! You’ll be a true asset to this blog and community! Look forward to your posts:-)
    Much love,

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