The Woman in the Well

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Yes, Lord. I will write this. 

Many of you know the story of the woman at the well. Is it one of your favorite stories in the bible too?

She went there at a time other women weren’t there because she was embarrassed about the choices she had made and what they thought of her. The other women went at the same time, chatting away, joyfully drawing water together. But, she was alone.

Does it amaze you as much as it amazes me that Jesus chose to meet her, instead of the crowd?

My aunt was telling me of a radio broadcast she had heard this week. The woman on the radio said she was praying about all the things she wish hadn’t happened to her. Some things she caused, many she didn’t. As she sat there praying, she felt the Holy Spirit press upon her thoughts. While she was rambling on, “If only I didn’t do this, that and the other. Or, if this didn’t happen to me….then…then…”

“I would be perfect”.


So often I picture myself at that well. We all have so many things we would change and we all have so much responsibility. The outside world can be harsh and our inner dialogue can be even more difficult to combat. 

But, I have a question for you. Have you ever felt like the woman in the well? Have you ever felt stuck in a trap,  all alone, uncomfortable, wondering if you will ever get out? Wondering if anyone even sees you?

I sure have. I know it’s hard to believe that I would say that. But, ladies- I wouldn’t have the compassion I have today if I “hadn’t been there”. Please, know that. 

Often times during my life, I’ve pictured myself at the bottom of that dried-up well, looking up, seeing faces peer down at me. Sometimes they are familiar faces of family, friends and even acquaintances… they send down food and well wishes and they make me feel not so alone. When they give in the name of the Lord, I’m reminded of how faithful he is and how he hasn’t forgotten me. Other times I look up and see people peering down, they have a concerned look on their face and yell, “Let me know if you need anything!” and they walk away. Then, there are times when I see a face that overwhelms me with joy because I know…just know, they will help get me out of here! They peer down, shake their heads and walk away. 

Have you been there too?

I don’t know if it’s the desperate situation, or the reaction of the people that hurts worse when I think of this scenario….

There is so much to say about this and so little time. I’m sitting here, at my dining room table with loads of “Cognitive Behavioral Technique” books I need to study….but I wanted to come to  you with my whole heart and say…..

The many times I have spoken of meal ministry and ministry in general, I’m not meaning to minister to you…..I’m using you… minister to the woman in the well.

Remember, where ever you are in life ” Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” Pslam 84:10

I’d rather be in a well with Jesus than anywhere without Him….

Love beyond measure, Janelle



  1. I love this post. How many times have I been the one that said, “Let me know if you need anything?” Or “Hey! I’m going to the store. Do you need anything?” There is a reason I am asking that person those questions at that moment. Next time I see a person in need, I am going to have this “vision” you have painted and I am not going to ask, I will just fill the need.

  2. Oh how I love this post! What a beautiful reminder of how our well-meaning attempts sometimes fall flat. I appreciate your heart, Janelle!

  3. I love how Jesus always spent time with the sinners, the low, the dregs of society–if he loved them that much, then I know he has to love me, too! Lovely post.

  4. Denise Ross says:

    Well said Janelle. I have to say that I’ve been the woman in the well with Jesus too. Safe to say I’d rather be there with Him, such a close heavily reliant relationship during that time. I actually miss it sometimes, weird to say I know. Happy that I’m well now tho :).

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