Mini Meatloaf (Even more marvelous)

One of my children’s favorite meals is meatloaf– and let me tell you, it just got better. My dear mom bought me this mini-loaf pan and now the kiddos have their very own mini meatloaves.

This pan can also make personal banana breads, corn breads, you name it breads. It lessens the baking time and increases the cuteness factor. What more can a Mama ask for?

Because we were having friends over for dinner this particular evening, we needed to make additional meatloaves. I simply used the pan as a way to portion out the mini loaves and put them in a glass baking dish to bake.


We had some happy campers!

This meal features Easy Italian Green Beans , Homemade Mashed Potatoes with Sour Cream, and of course…..Marvelous Meatloaf! 



  1. Whitney says:

    This is such a great idea!! How long did you cook them for?

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