Hot Coats.

She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.
-Proverbs 31:25

“Ok Kiddos! Hot coats! Get your hot coats here!”

I’d yell as if I were selling hot cross buns…

I marketed them with joyful enthusiasm. They’d run to the laundry room door where I stood with an invitation to both arm sleeves.


With a deep inhale of fresh laundry sheet scent and familiar warmth from the drier, they would hop in the van and off to school we went, all smiles.

Getting out door for elementary school with three little ones in the frigid Ohio winter was always a chore. I found out one day, just after I was legitimately getting their coats from the drier, the promise of being clothed in warmth was a motivator.

“Hmm…that was easy, I’ll remember this tactic.”

So, that’s what we did. Illegitimately. Each morning.

Winter coats went in the drier at breakfast and when it was go time, it was off to the laundry room.

Forbid I ever missed a day of hot coats…I’d have 6 angry eyes looking at me as if I strategically planned a strike.

“Oh, for cryin in the mud, you guys are spoiled. Let’s just do this, come on pouty faces, in the van you go.”

I’d talk to myself and shake my head. “Hot coats, I didn’t have hot coats as a kid.” Then I’d smile, “Whatever makes them know I’m thinking of them and whatever works.”

It gave them something to look forward to in order to face the cold uncomfort. In a way, it made them feel safe. It was small, but big. Oh, do I love that memory.

All too often God speaks in the every day. This reminded me of how I feel when I read his word before I go out into the cold. When I’m anxious, unsteady, and afraid…I know I can clothe myself in scripture and feel safe and warm in his loving arms. When I leave without it, I can tell a difference. Sure, it takes a few extra moments and slight planning, but it makes the day begin better than it would have without it…

It’s a reminder that God thinks of me in big things and the little things…




  1. Charlotte Moore says:

    Love this!!!! Thanks for sharing!

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