Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs

This is one of my favorite chicken recipes EVER! I make this often in the Summer for guests. These kabobs taste amazing and look beautiful. The pineapple juice in the marinade makes the chicken so juicy…Mmmm! Enjoy!

Marinade: soy sauce, pineapple juice, vegetable oil, brown sugar, garlic powder (I used garlic, garlic),
ginger, dry mustard. 

For the pineapple juice, I simply use the juice from a can of pineapple. But, for the pineapple in the kabobs- I use fresh pineapple. Call me crazy..but I can taste a big difference in canned vs. fresh pineapple! 

Grate your ginger. You can find ginger root at your grocery store. It is typically by the fresh lettuce. Peel the skin off and simply grate it with a zester or your cheese grater. No biggie here. 

This is what it will look like. DO NOT omit this if all possible-it really adds a kick to the marinade! 

Put all those ingredients into a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 mins. Take off of  burner and let cool in the saucepan. 

Cut up raw chicken (get rid of fat)

Place your cut chicken in a 9×13 pan and pour marinade over top

Cover and refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours or overnight. 

Prep your veggies. I have fresh pineapple, red peppers, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, and onions. 

When you are ready to “kabob” water your skewers so they don’t catch on fire on the grille. 


And away we go! After I finish “kabobing” I sprinkle them with seasoned salt and freshly ground pepper. (I use Tastefully Simple Seasoned Salt-it is so good).  

Fire up the grill! I lay grill foil down every time I make kabobs- it keeps them from sticking and if anything falls off it just falls onto the foil. I cooked these on medium high heat (I have a gas grill) for about 6 mins then flipped for another 6 mins. 

Our menu that evening also included fresh watermelon, corn on the cob, mashed garlic red potatoes, pickled cucumbers and bread twists (and berry cobbler). I put most of my effort into the main course and made sure to make very simple sides.

Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs(Makes enough for 6- you may double as I did in the photos)

1/2 c. soy sauce
1/2 c. pineapple juice
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp fresh ginger
1 tsp dry mustard

6-8 chicken breasts
2 green peppers
2 onions
2 red peppers
1 container of cherry tomatoes
1 pineapple cored and cut into cubes

Wooden skewers
Seasoned salt and pepper to taste.

Combine all marinade ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 mins. Cool. Cut off fat on raw chicken and cube. Place chicken in a 9×13 pan and pour cooled marinade over top. Cover and put in refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours (or overnight). Prep/cut all veggies up and place in another 9×13 and refrigerate until you are ready to “kabob”. Run water over wooden skewers so they do not catch fire on grill. Alternate chicken with veggies and pineapple. Sprinkle kabobs with seasoned salt and pepper. Heat grill to med-high heat and cover with grill foil (or regular foil with cooking spray). Grill covered appx 6 mins a side until chicken is cooked through. Utter deliciousness.




  1. Heather G. says:

    These look delish! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Mariliz says:

    I've never made my chicken kabobs with pineapple, I must try it!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I soak the skewers in the marinade as well. Adds another layer to the flavor

  4. Mmm, I love this. So colorful and so beautiful! Looks delish!

  5. sarahandnick says:

    Do you usually make just enough for one meal? Or do you eat leftovers for lunch the next day?

  6. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Heheh…Sarah, I had company over and it was ALL GONE! We typically have left overs on most nights and heat them up for lunch 😉 But, I do cook for people and bring them meals and have guests over ALOT so when you see large portions or notice me doubling my recipes, that is why 😉 Love to ya, Janelle

  7. Anonymous says:

    These look awesome! I amwith you on the fresh pineapple! I make stir fry with leftover kabobs…if there is any! Thank you for hostin the fun linky party, Janelle. Hope you have had a good week. Love to YOU! Lisa


  8. Janelle Nehrenz says:

    Lisa, what an excellent idea-stir fry! Love it! Have a Happy 4th of July everyone!!! Love, Janelle

  9. did the pineapple juice “cook” the chicken since it has a high acid content and the chicken was left in it over night? i am about to marinade chicken in pineapple juice & BBQ sauce & i didnt want to marinade longer than 2 hours. also why do you boil the marinade first? what is accomplished by that? thank you

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