MOPS Meal Planning for the Holidays and a Link UP!!!

I had the blessing of being invited to speak at our church’s MOPS (Mother’s Of Pre Schoolers) group today! The topic? Holiday Meal Planning! Wohoo! I had such a great time with these sweet moms. They were so great at asking questions and participating.

The Key Topics:

Choosing Your Menu: The “givens” are a salad, a bread, a dessert. Then choose a meat, starch (potato, rice, etc) and vegetable. You can have more than one of these, but make sure to have at least one of these when entertaining.

Ask for Help! No one can do everything, but everyone can do something! Ask family members to bring their “signature dish” or even let them know what you need made. Many times people enjoy making and bringing something.

Grocery Planning: Make a list of your recipes and ingredients- mark down the items that you do not have stocked. Double check the items you do have stocked (ex. flour). If you are buying a turkey for Thanksgiving- Make sure to start thawing it in the fridge 4 days in advance!

Prep– MANY things can be made the night before (Salads- do not add dressing or croutons until serving, desserts, and prep work such as dicing veggies) or the morning/afternoon of ( breads, and anything that can be kept warm in the crock pot for example, green beans) Do not be afraid to use your microwave to warm things up (I do this with mashed potatoes). Meats however, should ALWAYS be made last and served fresh and piping hot!

Introduced Comfy in the Kitchen’s FREE online E-book for ideas!Β 

Then, we walked over the the kitchen for a food demonstration. I choose to make the Pumpkin Trifle because it is super easy, tasty, and looks beautiful. These girls were so happy to step in and get cookin!Β 

Pudding being made in one bowl and the cake being crumbled in another.

Some of the ladies watching

This sweet friend of mine is comfy in the kitchen! She did awesome!

I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m never wearing that shirt again. But, I am loving the plastic gloves! LOL! Oh dear….help me.

Whala!!! ThisΒ Pumpkin Trifle only stayed pretty for a couple seconds before it was taken back to the room and taste tested πŸ™‚ We had enough ingredients left over to make an extra dessert to bless a special preschool teacher in the church.

Ladies, I strongly encourage you to look up and join your local MOPSΒ (Mother’s Of Pre Schoolers) group if you are not already in one. It is a fantastic way to get out of the house and meet other moms in person. The internet is a wonderful thing, but nothing can replace real in -person relationships…By the way, many of these MOPS meetings are in churches that offer child care. (just sayin!)

Friday’s Top 3


French Breakfast Puffs

Made By: Kimberly’s Notebook

Spinach Squares

Made By: Homegrown Cozy

Bean Dip

Made By: A.Whole.New.Mom

Homemade Black Bean Dip

It’s a Feasting in Fellowship Link UP!

Please post as many recipes as you like. Simply add my button on the side to your post please. Tweet and FB that you are sharing on Feasting in Fellowship Fridays on Comfy in the Kitchen to get more viewers!!! Wohoo! Have a wonderful weekend ladies.




  1. You look beautiful!!
    Thanks for the link-up.
    Loved reading about Relevant. What a blessing!
    Have a wonderful weekend πŸ™‚
    ~Carla <

  2. What is wrong with that shirt!!?? You looked beautiful as always. Seriously thank you so much for being there and allowing us to enjoy your recipe and glean from your wisdom. Such a blessing…your heart for giving shines through your words:)

  3. Oh my word Janelle you have me laughing out loud over here because of your shirt comment! I just love you! πŸ™‚ And I can’t wait to try these amazing Thanksgiving recipes!!!!!

  4. Oh my that pumpkin trifle looks and sounds delicious. I wish it was easier to get Jello pudding here in England – the only place I can get it is an hour’s drive from here! I will definitely try the recipe one day though. I do love your new e-book, it’s just beautiful. It looks like you had a really fun day with MOPs as well. Thank you for hosting.

  5. Happy November! Thanks for hosting, Janelle. πŸ™‚ Looks like a fun time you all had in the kitchen! Blessings, ~Lisa

  6. What a fun group!!! (I want to be a part!) Thank you so much for link up….have a fantastic weekend!

  7. I’m definitely making this pumpkin trifle for my family’s Thanksgiving get-together! It looks amazing!

    PS: I wish you wouldn’t be so harsh on yourself, dear! Before I even read your comment about your shirt I was thinking, wow, she looks so lovely!

    • Aww, thank you Lauren!!! That is so sweet. Im not harsh on myself on a day to day basis…but when I see a photo of myself I am! Ugh! Maybe I’m not photogenic! lol!!! Oh well! But that shirt was way too scrunchy for my short torso- I bet I can find a tall girl to give it to, lol

  8. I want to ne in your MOPs group too! It looks like so much fun. Will you take an honorary member from Scotland?

  9. I thought the shirt looked great on you. I’m tall but I think I’m a size or two bigger then you! LOL!! How is the GFDF eating plan going so far? Hope all is well. πŸ™‚


  1. […] Sharing via the Feasting in Fellowship Fridays Link-Up over at Comfy in the Kitchen! […]

  2. […] at Jane Deere, Grocery Cart Challenge, The Finer Things in Life, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Comfy in the Kitchen, and Real Food […]

  3. […] Real Food Freaks, Grocery Cart Challenge, The Finer Things in Life, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Comfy in the Kitchen, and Bizzy […]

  4. […] Slightly Indulgent Tuesday at Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, CraftOManiac Monday at CraftOManiac, Feasting in Fellowship Friday at Comfy in the Kitchen, Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum, Friday Favorites at Simply Sweet Home, […]

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