A Friend in Need…



While I was having my “quiet time” the other day, I read something that stood out to me… Something that I thought would really resonate with anyone reading right now. It was about what to do when we have a friend in need. 

I’ve been a friend to those in need. I’ve also been a friend in need. 

The thing is, sometimes friends really don’t know what to do or what say when their friend is hurting…even if they are close. Perhaps they want to do something, they just don’t know what. Often times, they ignore the situation because they don’t want their friend to feel ashamed. That awkwardness (and sometimes even the solitude) becomes an additional layer anguish in a hurting person’s life. Not only is the trial hard- the ripple effect can be even harder on the one who is suffering. 

Have you been there? 

Maybe you’ve gone through a divorce, suffered a death, battled a serious illness, lost a job, or are coping with depression. 

And if you have been there, you know what I’m talking about.

You may be on the opposite side- you are a friend of someone who is suffering and  are overwhelmed with empathy for that person. But again….you don’t want to overstep your boundaries. Well….this is just the thing for you to read. 

Here we go…

A Friend in Need

Friendship gives license to show up at the door of need without asking, “When would you like me to come? ” or “What would you like me to do?” Nor does friendship call out, “Just let me know if you need anything.”

Practiced friendship whispers, “I’ll be there” and promptly steps through the door with sensitivity, respect and understanding. 

But what about honoring the right to invite? Those who wait for parchment invitations wait long, for need rarely throws a party-rarely even has a voice. 

Yet need has its own needs. It needs protection from strangers tromping in with work boots and good intentions. And it needs relief from acquaintences wearing spiked heels of advice and pat answers. 

Need waits with longing for the familiar entrance of dear ones who pad barefoot through the soul on ordinary days. “

~ Susan L Lenzkes 


So there you have it, Girls….friendship isn’t polite, it’s real.

There is a huge need out there for friends….I’m talkin, friends. Go be one!






  1. Love this! It has blessed me to hear from a sister who understands <3 Thank you.

  2. Amy McClure says:

    Excellent post!! So many people in need this Christmas.

  3. Charlotte Moore says:

    Very good!!!

  4. Christy Spurlock says:

    Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love this post! You really know how to touch people’s hearts! Love you bunches and am so proud of your ministry calling! 🙂

  6. Thank you this is beautiful. To be given a hug, listened to and be given a spark of hope goes a long way for someone who is struggling. Beautiful to have a friend indeed, to be a friend indeed.

  7. Ladonna Tidwell says:

    You have no idea how perfectly put my friend. You are so right it hurts to ask for help or give it because of pride . Lots of people do with out because first it one of the hardest things to do ask for help an let people no how bad your life really is or that you can’t take care of your self an haveing to admit to there self that they really need help an can’t do it on there own. That’s hard to swollow an some die because they won’t ask help you are so right on girl. You touch my heart every day an make me cry a lot lately an comfort me at the same time you are a blessing my friend don’t stop The Lord is speaking through you to bless sevral of me an a few friends on daily bases. An I’m sure a whole lot more. Thank you so much;);)

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