I Love Stitch Fix!


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 Ladies do I have exciting news! But first, let me tell you a little secret…..I dislike to shop. If you’ve never heard me say that before, there ya have it! haha. I don’t know if it’s decision making, not knowing what I look good in, or just plain spending money on myself- for some reason, I have never enjoyed shopping for clothes for myself. Well, my dream of having my own personal shopper has finally come true when I found out about Stitch Fix! My sweet friend Ruth over at The Better Mom always looks so fashionable, I asked her where she buys her clothes and this is when I got hooked….
What is Stitch Fix?

Stitch Fix is a service where you are assigned your own personal stylist who chooses clothing and jewelry for you.  When you sign up, you fill out a style profile so that your stylist has an idea of what you like to wear. After you select the first date you would like your fix, you will receive 5 items in the mail (in a cute box :)). You are not obligated to purchase any of them, but you are charged a $20 styling fee. This $20 is refunded if you purchase any one item. I LOVE that with each piece of clothing they include a card that gives you ideas on how to style that particular piece. Once you try your items on, select what you would like to keep and then return the rest in a pre-paid envelope. Note: There is a waiting list, but once you are signed up for Stitch Fix they will send you “fixes” as often as you would like.



Overall, I loved all the clothes Stitch Fix sent me. I especially loved the “recipe cards” showing me how to pair and match items.



If you don’t like something or anything- no worries! There’s a pre-paid and addressed bag enclosed. Put all the items you don’t want in the bag and throw it in the mailbox. Check out online to purchase the items you want to keep. The $20 styling fee is applied to your purchase!

What a great experience….and I didn’t even have to go into a brightly lit dressing room! Wohoo!

This beautiful chevron 3/4 sleeve shirt was my favorite! I also loved the cheerful necklace that accompanied it. Great job Stitch Fix! I can’t wait for my next shipment…..

If you would like to sign up and try Stitch Fix you can Click Here

IMG_9568 A HUGE thank you to my dear friend and mentor Julie (pictured center) for taking my photos. If you live in the NE Ohio area, I’d like to refer you to In His Image Photography. Julie is such an amazing photographer and so good with little ones! (Julie, I know I’m embarrassing you-I’m sorry, you know I think the world of you and I can’t help to boast about you!) This is a photo she took of my daughter…one of my favorite pictures ever.  



  1. I have seen blogs talk about Stitch Fix for a while, but never as in depth. Seriously considering signing up! Thanks!

  2. What about their prices? With all that pre-paid postage, it sounds expensive.

    • Their prices vary from item to item and are an average cost (mine ranged from $35-$70) …the great news is that if you refer friends, you get $25 put into your account! I know many friends who get wardrobes for free because of this!

  3. I love stitch fix too……I just received my 16th stitch fix box:) I hate shopping too but love cute and up to date clothes:) When they send the email saying they sent the box…..I end up checking every day on their tracking to see when it is supposed to arrive. Sometimes ok almost all the time I end up looking at the checkout before my stuff arrives and try to google the items to see what they are……like Christmas every month:)

  4. Deborah says:

    So, if you don’t buy anything, you are still charged the $20? Can that be applied to a much later purchase from a seperate shipment or is it gone for good? Do you enter measurements at the beginning as well?

    • Hi Deborah! I would go to the FAQ on Stitch Fix because I’m not exactly sure- I know that is applied to your order. It may or may not be able to to applied to the next order, I’m not sure. This is an excellent service-I trust them completely and know that will answer every question you might have. I just got a hand written card in the mail from the CEO- I was so impressed!


  1. […] me and Darlene- Thank you to Stitch Fix for the beautiful […]

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