My Favorite Aldi’s Products

Hi Ladies!

Not too long ago I mentioned that I recently made the switch to Aldi’s. It has literally cut my grocery bill in half! Some of you have e-mailed me asking what my favorite products were at this store, so I thought I would share this information with everyone! Here we go…

The Pizza
By far, this is my favorite product….

091212_5565_CheeseDeliPizza_DI completely trust and recommend the “Mama Cozzi” brand.  This pizza is absolutely delicious. For just $4.49 you get a 16″ pie, which feeds my family of five dinner and lunch the next day. I’ve also taken this to families for a quick and inexpensive meal ministry…


The Produce

You can’t beat Adli’s prices on produce! They also offer organic and locally grown- it’s so worth making an extra trip for the savings in this department.

The Coffee
031914_43786_SpecialtyRoastCoffeeCups_DHere we have 12 cups of Beaumont coffee for $4.99, which is about half of what I used to spend. This coffee is just as good (I promise-I love my coffee and am very picky.)

Other Products I Buy

Baker’s Corner brand for baking needs.
Stonemill Pure Vanilla Extract is absolutely delicious.
Happy Farms Cream Cheese (just like New Philly)
German chocolate! (so much less expensive and way better- a variety of brands are offered)
Ice cream (Butter Pecan)
Jarred peaches (for peach tea)
Ranch dressing
Peanut Delight Peanut Butter (just like Jif)
Tortilla shells
Frozen seafood

On average, I spend about $125 a week on groceries (you know how much I cook) at Aldi’s, which is about half of what I used to spend at other grocery stores. However, I do typically purchase most my meats at a butcher. I am extremely pleased and recommend Aldi’s! I hope this helps some of you with your fear to cross over. It’s been worth the $500 a month is savings for my family!



  1. Thanks! I buy many of those products as well. I’ve made the pizza but I struggle with something large enough to put it on to slice it. My pizza stone is a little smaller as is my pizza pans. What do you use?

    • Kristy Stewart says:

      I save the cardboard and put it back on that to slice after it’s baked.

    • Amanda says:

      I just use the cardboard that it comes on….slide it under and take off the rack.

    • Kimberly says:

      Julie, we bake our pizza crusts on a designated cookie sheet that happens to be an air-bake with no sides. That way if the pizza slicer marks it up a bit, it’s not a big deal. Works just fine.

    • Sammy Rochester says:

      Use scissors to cut the pizza, it’s easier regardless of the surface you want to cut the pizza. And scissors won’t ruin the surface as well.

  2. Oh, I miss Aldi’s so much! We used to live in Pittsburgh and it cut my grocery bill in half when I started shopping there! We moved to Olympia, WA, and there are no Aldi’s out here.

    • Oh no! <3 Moving is hard enough, hu?!

    • Here in Olympia you can try Winco. I have found they have great prices on most things, especially the basics. Trader joes is on the West side and I believe that they are owned by the same group as Aldi’s. Also, try Grocery outlet. Jays farm stand has great produce that is often 1/2 price of the grocery stores! Good luck!

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