My Hair Tutorial (Ohhh Dear….)


Oh dear…..I cannot believe I’m doing this.

But, I love you…and with that, there is sacrifice..right?

I am finally answering one of my most frequently asked questions…”Janelle, could you please do a hair tutorial for us?”


To myself…little do they don’t know that I wear hot rollers…that’s like 80’s style, hehe.

But, they work. It’s easy. I love them and will never give them up….
No matter how much anyone makes fun of me. 

Girls…this is a humbling moment. Hopefully you are not too disappointed-I do not put a ton of time into my hair, but this is how I do it….here we go!





  1. I love it (and you are too cute!). It’s been TWO YEARS since I’ve had a hair cut/trim. I think it’s time (don’t you?). You’ve inspired me to invest in some hot rollers and give it a try (I too have fine, flat hair). You make it look do-able. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You have beautiful hair and hot rollers rock! I’ve been wearing the same old look for too long now and I’m gonna go shopping for some hot rollers. Time to put some spring into my step and my hair. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Christine says:

    You’re so pretty and adorable Janelle! Love the hair! xo

  4. You are too cute. Thanks for sharing. Am so totally jealous :), your hair is beautiful.

  5. Love it! Thank you so much for putting yourself out there like that! I have recently been moping around about how I don’t know how to do my hair, I don’t have time for anything, I can’t afford fancy products, blah blah blah, your simple method, kind voice, and bright smile have encouraged me today!! Thank you so much :o)

    • Thank you so much Dominique! It was worth the embarrassment for sure then! It’s so nice to feel good about yourself AND not have to spend a ton of time….us women are pulled in so many directions!!

  6. Almost all my little girls gathered around the computer to see this! Then they wanted to see it again! Thank you so much for the tips!

  7. I am in the process of growing my hair out. I have very thin, very fine hair and it looks the best with the cute short cuts that are everywhere. I desire the option to wear a ponytail, however, and my hubby has been begging me forever to grow it out. I always seem to end up cutting it off because it just looks limp and stringy when it’s long. This gives me some incentive. Your hair looks amazing to me even before the rollers, but this looks like something easy to try when my hair finally gets long enough. Don’t be embarrassed, you look beautiful in rollers!!!!

    Thanks for the motivation!!!

  8. I LOVE that you posted this. I do the same thing with my hair. And it’s so much fun to hear the voice/see the gal behind the blog!!! Too fun. Love it!! Happy Saturday!!!

  9. I can’t even begin to tell you how fun this was to watch. Awesome my friend, you are gorgeous!!!

  10. You are lovely! Thanks for using your life (shared via this blog) to inspire and bless other women. Keep on!

  11. Karen Powell says:

    You crack me up…in a good way, of course :-)!!!! REAL – what we LOVE about you. Continue keepin’ it real pretty girl!

  12. You are just too cute! What a sweet disposition. My hair is a natural, loose-ish “spiral” curl and I’ve used a flat-iron to straighten it so it looks just like yours BEFORE you put the curlers in! LOL It is funny how sometimes we want we don’t have!

  13. Janelle, You are so sweet! Thanks for sharing! I have those same rollers, so I am going to attempt to use them like you and see if my hair will do anything close to that! Ha. Could you tell me what kind of mouse and hair spray you use please?

  14. Janelle, this was great help! I’ve been using hot rollers for years for my hair (very similar to yours) but because you showed this I learned I’ve been using the wrong size! I usually use medium rollers but will be shopping today for jumbos! And I’ve been brushing out my curls instead of just running my fingers through them! You may have been a bit shy about posting this but what a help you’ve been! Thanks!

  15. Janelle, thanks for sharing!! Were those rollers hot when you put them in? Mine get so hot… That I can’t handle them as easy as you did yours….

  16. Bonnie Bennett says:

    I love it I’m gonna buy some bottomless today my hair is thin and I just got it layered and can’t do a thing with it but you have inspired me thanks

  17. Your hair is so pretty. I have super straight hair and always wish I could have curly too. I’d love to give this a try.

  18. Your hair is gorgeous!! My hair is a little longer than shoulder length, but as soon as it gets longer, I’m gettin’ a set of hot rollers! 🙂

  19. Oh Janelle I love it!!! Great job on your hair tutorial!! Your looks mahhhhrvelous! 🙂

  20. I love it! And my hair is just like yours, longish, limp and layered. I’m going to get myself some hot rollers! 🙂

  21. Hi Janelle!! I love love love that you did a video tutorial – you are so brave! I’m so glad you shared how you do your hair! These are the things that we woman NEED to know!! 🙂 LOL

    I really need to run out and get curlers, the last set I had only had 4 large rollers and the rest were just medium or small one’s , the curls ended up way too tight, which was disappointing, plus it took way too long. I’ve been suing a curling iron for months and it takes too much time. I guess you’ve convinced me to go buy a new set of rollers with jumbo and large rollers. Your hair is just gorgeous!

  22. you are so lovely. thanks for sharing. I can’t wait for my hair to grow out and I will try your way!! 🙂

  23. Thanks for taking the time to share. I have fine hair and a lot of it also. I get bored with it, but this gives me something to try that is simple and looks wonderful when finished!

  24. Awesome janelle!! Thanks for sharing! I have the same curlers but mine don’t stay in! Loove hot rollers!!!! You look beautiful!

  25. You make me giggle! That was so awesome!! Maddy and I both watched it.

  26. Super cute! This makes me want to pull out my hot rollers for church tomorrow!

    I’m now following your blog on Facebook too. I can’t wait to start reading about all your yummy recipes. I first heard about you though Courtney Joseph’s Women Living Well blog. I love the recipes you’ve posted there.

  27. Wow…you opened up a new world for me. I was totally ignorant of different hairstyling products until now. I had no idea, you can achieve such a gorgeous hairstyle on flat hair. I live in a cave, obviously!
    Thanx for the post!

  28. You’re cute, thanks for showing us!

  29. You are to DARN cute!! Love this and you made it look SO easy!! hugs love ya

  30. You’ve inspired me! Great video.

  31. Okay, time to get some hot rollers!!

  32. Ok, you are adorable!! I’m new to Women Living Well, and found your chicken enchilada recipe on there. Looks so good! But, this hot roller treat was super fun! I used to use hot rollers everyday! I use a curling iron now, but you just made me want to go buy new rollers. I miss them! 🙂

  33. Janelle…you inspired me to get my hot rollers out again! I do have naturally curly/wavy hair, but unfortunately that means I have to wash it every day if I want it to look nice. So this week I pulled out my rollers and my “day 2” ( hope that’s not gross! ) has become my hot roller day. I really LOVE IT!
    Thank you for your online ministry!

  34. I did my hair like this ALL through high school. My hair has shortened and lengthened over the years, but I’m on my way back to destination looooong so maybe rollers will be making a return in my world. It really is so simple with a big beautiful pay off. 🙂


  35. Where can I find the “big” hot rollers? I have the smaller ones from yeeeeears ago. Thank you!!

    • I went out looking for some after this, lol! I found a conair set with jumbo & super jumbo at Target for like $28. I have been using it and LOVING it!! So glad I watched this. Word of advice, my hair definitely requires a strong hair spray to stay looking nice 🙂

  36. Where can I buy those really big rollers?

  37. MusicNSunshine says:

    Awesome tutorial. I was wondering what brand of curlers you used in this tutorial? Thanks!! 🙂

  38. Which brand: hot rollers? I am looking for one.

  39. Hi Janelle, I love your blog! I was searching for a gluten free meal to take to a friend that can use dinner and company, remembered your website and found one, thanks! In reference to your hair video, which is awesome, what kind of hair spray do you use? My hair is fine and goes limp easily and I’m struggling with finding a good hairspray that will withstand the midwest humidity. Keri

  40. I’m so glad you did this tutorial. I had swim hair today (which means my hair dried naturally and looks like a lion’s mane). I have a meeting tomorrow and need to look a bit more pulled together for work so I watched your video. I didn’t have jumbo hot rollers but it still turned out nice with my set of regular size. I have a feeling Conair jumbo curlers may need to be purchased. Especially liked hearing your sweet voice. Thanks again.

  41. Rachel Waggoner says:

    Oh gosh! I know I am so late in commenting on this but I do have a question. I roll my backwards from what you do. I roll instead of under I roll over. Is there a difference? Also how do you get the pins to stay so easily? I have to adjust mine a couple of times to stay in place and then I have to have my devotions or coffee so I don’t move my head so they don’t fall out.

  42. I loved this. I have four children aged 5 and under, and some days I don’t even brush my hair. If I do brush it, I put it in a ponytail. My hair is thick and coarse, has a little natural waviness, but is almost completely curl-resistant! Your hair is lovely, though, even before curling.

    I don’t know if I can change my hair routine much at this stage of life, but after seeing this I’ve decided to at least brush it today. 😉 lol Thank you for the tutorial!

  43. You are so right we all want what we don’t have LOL. I have super curly hair that tangles so easily and frizzy like I’m plugged into high voltage source. I have an entire arsenal of products I must use daily. I’ve long for straight hair that I can curl using rollers like you did. It takes hours with a flat iron last a few hours for my hair. Your hair is lovely it looked beautiful and so are you cutie pie♥

    We all are beautiful if we didn’t have our differences I think the world would be rather boring if we were all the same.

  44. Michelle T. says:

    What I loved about the webcast? I enjoyed learning that my house doesn’t have to be perfect to invite someone into it and share a meal. I’m always stressing about the fact that we have a big family and a small house so anything out of place makes it look cluttered. I also homeschool out of my home so that takes much of my living room. So when others come over we have to sit at the kitchen table to communicate. It’s stressing but I do enjoy the company. One day I’ll feel like what I have and do is enough. Thanks for helping me on that journey. 🙂

    • Michelle T. says:

      oh. Also, after wearing my hair permed for 12 years. Due to some stress and a new beginning I decided to go back to straight hair. Now, it’s hard to curl or do anything with. The hair tutorial was awesome. I’m a bit envious of your hair and how beautiful it is. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  45. Maybe I shouldn’t admit this, but I was mesmerized by this video. I was considering getting hot rollers a few months ago, and think this may have just talked me into it! Thank you so much… and you are gorgeous!

  46. What happened to your hot-curlers video/tutorial? Please, PLEASE repost it!!, xoxoxo


  1. […] girls have been so kind! Let me tell you, I was so embarrassed to post my hair tutorial video! But, you have all been so encouraging!  I honestly believe I have the most kind- hearted readers […]

  2. […] *What do rollers have anything to do with Comfy in the Kitchen? Bahaaa!!! Well, for some reason I get asked about how I do my hair almost as much as I get asked how to cook. Here is my hair tutorial.  […]

  3. […] *What do rollers have anything to do with Comfy in the Kitchen? Bahaaa!!! Well, for some reason she gets asked about how she does her hair almost as much as she gets asked how to cook.Here is her hair tutorial. […]

  4. […] *What do rollers have anything to do with Comfy in the Kitchen? Bahaaa!!! Well, for some reason she gets asked about how she does her hair almost as much as she gets asked how to cook.Here is her hair tutorial. […]

  5. […] know, this is somewhat of a random post…but us girls like to talk about hair sometimes. I’m totally good with […]

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