{My Favorite} Edible Homemade Gift Ideas for Christmas!


Snowman hot cocoa’s

3 baby food jars cleaned, dried, and filled with peppermints, hot cocoa, and marshmallows. Felt hats, buttons, eyes, mouths and noses. Fabric scarves.

I don’t know about you…but I feel blessed more than words can say. ALL of my “needs” are taken care of. Truly- I do not “need” anything for Christmas. I have my faith, health, a home, a swagger wagon, 3 beautiful children, a husband who adores me, awesome friends….I have more than I deserve. Sure, I have major challenges and am often times in the midst of some sort of storm-but honestly, my Faith anchors me and reminds me how much I have in store….that’s the big picture…that’s THE gift, rather…HE is the gift! 

I have a hunch a lot of people reading feel this way- isn’t that something.

Don’t we sometimes get caught up in it all? The shopping, the money, the hoopla and jazz of it?Why?

How do you feel about making a homemade gift? How do you feel about receiving a homemade gift? Are our hearts and minds set on material things? Do we miss out on what is really important…Loving God and loving others {Luke 10:27}?

So many of us feel like giving homemade gifts aren’t “enough”…but once you set your eyes on these adorable mini masterpieces, you may change your mind! What sweet, and thoughtful gifts these are!

***ALL of these are naturally Gluten FREE!***

Christmas Cookie Dough. All ready to go in the freezer.

Christmas Cookie Dough- To GO!

Think Garnish has a lot of great packaging ideas! Simply make a batch of perfect chocolate chip cookie dough and garnish it like so! They will have freshly home baked cookies whenever they wish! Ahhhdorable.

hostess gift: salsa! printables

Feliz Navidad!

Not a baker? No worries! Make homemade salsa–  Certain grocery stores also sell the most adorable red and green chips this time of year. Super cute!

Bake Brownies Right In The Cookie Cutters, Decorate And Give Away As Gifts, Sweet Christmas Gift Idea. Great Idea For Bake Sale.

Sweet Tooth Ornaments! 

Bake brownies or pour fudge right into inexpensive cookie cutters {do not remove, the cookie cutter is part of the gift} Decorate with candies. Finish by wrapping in a small plastic bag {Jo-anns has these} and garnish with a bow!

homemade christmas gifts - Google Search 

Sweet Treats

Who doesn’t like Puppy Chow?!!! Add some green and red M&Ms for a festive twist! Fill up mini milk jars {you can also clean and reuse Starbucks glass containers}, add some flare and a tag- Voila!

Have FUN!!! 



  1. Oh how fantastic are these snowmen,I know my sister would get a great laugh off them. Fun idea!

  2. I love these! Thank you for sharing your ideas. I love edible gifts, I mean, who doesn’t 🙂 love the fudge and cookie cutter idea!

  3. Very cute! My girls have a Secret Sister gift swap next week and we’ll try the fudge and cookie cutter idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love these such a cute idea, especially for like teachers or neighbors, and friends. Thanks for the ideas.


  5. I am blessed beyond measure and it has nothing to do with money, gifts or any of the jazz of the season! He is enough, now and forever. Thank you for sharing these darling gift ideas~def on the to-do list for neighbors and friends!

  6. These are absolutely adorable. Thank you so much for sharing them. Blessings, Jo-Ann

  7. I am so blessed … that the Creator of all loved me enough to die for me.

    Love love love the snowmen! How do you attach the jars together?


  8. These snowmen are so cute!! How did you hook the jars together? I would love to make them for my daughter’s school teachers and Olympian coaches.

  9. Love these ideas Janelle, thank you. Every Christmas I make a plate of sweets that I call “The Christmas Story as Told by Food”: http://www.celebratingholidays.com/?page_id=5427.
    It makes me so happy to combine cooking (which I love) to sharing the good news with friends and neighbors!

  10. Aw, such sweet gift ideas!! Thanks for reminding me that not everything has to be big and elaborate, but it is the heart behind the gift. Thanks!!

  11. I try and try to get to the place where I can put my email in to get the free cookbook Comfy in the Kitchen on Thanksgiving, but the link always takes me to a blank page. Can you send me the link to download it?

  12. I love the snow men! ! How do you do the hats?


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